More than 15 thousand Cubans requested refuge in Mexico until October 2022

Cubans became the second nationality with the most asylum requests in Mexico, with 15,730 until the end of October.

Migrantes haitianos y cubanos varados en Chiapas © El Heraldo
Haitian and Cuban migrants stranded in Chiapas Photo © The Herald

This article is from 1 year ago

More than 15 thousand Cubans requested refuge in Mexico in the first 10 months of the year, the government of Andrés Manuel López Obrador reported this Wednesday.

According to statistics published by the Mexican authorities, the Cuban became the second nationality with the most requests for political refuge, with 15,730 until the end of October, behind the Honduran (26,223 requests).

The figure has already exceeded that of previous years. In 2020 only they asked for asylum 5,712 Cubans and the island was in third place below Honduras (15,364) and Haiti (5,909).

In 2021, for its part, there were 8,249 cases presented by migrants from Cuba, a country that was then below Haiti (50,972) and Honduras (36,085).

Now Cuba displaced Haiti from second place, whose undocumented immigrants have presented 13,493 asylum applications in Mexico.

Information from the Government of Mexico

These requests are in the context of the Cuban immigration crisis current, also evidenced in the high numbers of Cubans arriving at the border of Mexico and the United States.

In fiscal year 2022, which ended on September 30, 224,764 Cubans requested asylum at the US border, and in October alone 28,848 migrants from the island did so, 10% more than what was reported in the ninth month.

Cuba and the United States celebrated on Tuesday the second round of immigration talks this year, after which Havana blamed Washington for the mass exodus from the island.

The regime refuses to admit the impact of state inefficiency on the widespread crisis in the country.

Cuba currently has the second worst inflation in the world, blackouts of more than 12 hours a day in almost all its towns and cities, an economic growth projection of 2.0% in 2022 and 1.8% for 2023.

In the Caribbean country "more than 72% of the population lives below the poverty line and only 14% expect their personal situation to improve in the near future", the rest expect the worst, according to a survey by the Cuban Observatory of Human rights.

Cubans live in total hopelessness and the majority take refuge in the idea of emigrating, the survey indicated.

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