Thieves on motorbikes snatch phone from a Cuban student in Holguín

The incident occurred on Wednesday morning

Uno de los ladrones (i) y El teléfono robado (i) © Collage Facebook/Cazador Cazado
One of the thieves (i) and The stolen phone (i) Photo © Collage Facebook/Cazador Cazado

On Wednesday morning, some young Cubans who were traveling on a motorbike snatched acell phone to a teenager in the vicinity of a mixed educational center in the city ofHolguin, according to an official report on social networks.

Theuse, published on “Cazador Cazado”, a Facebook profile close to the Ministry of the Interior (MININT), reveals that the incident occurred around 9 am in the vicinity of the “Alberto Sosa” Mixed Center, located in the Pueblo Nuevo neighborhood, in the municipality. Holguín header.

"Standing there was a teenager, a student at the school, with her cell phone in her hand. The least she thought was that those young people who were approaching on a motorbike came with the purpose of violently snatching her mobile phone, Redmi Note 9 brand.", says the source.

After the robbery, the teenager, identified as “Laritza”, made a report to the police and - surprise! - the official profile says that in approximately "six hours" MININT forces, together with the residents of the Popular Council of Pueblo Nuevo, arrested the perpetrators of the violent robbery.

After beating his chest for the quick resolution of the case, the aforementioned official source promised to return with more information about "Raúl", the alleged thief, and "his henchmen."

Facebook Capture/Hunter-Hunted

“My husband's was stolen from the house and no one could take the complaint because the registers were not in the Unit, what a pity that we do not have the same luck as all those who recover their belongings!”, ironically commented an Internet user on the comments section in reference to the increasingly frequentnotes from official sources that report the recovery of stolen objects in Cuba.

The undeniable increase in crime throughout the country, with robberies both in homes and on public roads and all types of violent events - with injuries and even deaths - has also generated an increase in complaints on networks due to the ineffectiveness of the police to stop this wave of violence.

In response to criticism, the island's authorities are increasingly making publicthe return of stolen goods or information on the arrests of suspects involved in crimes.

To this end, it uses profiles on social networks - linked to the MININT - in which the police response to the increase in crime is publicized.

In April, precisely in Holguín, apolitical act to deliver stolen phones in that province, as part of the campaign to reinforce the police image in the face of repeated criticism for the passivity of the authorities.

Last month the MININT assured the official press that its agentsThey arrest most criminals in just 48 hours.

In statements collected byLatin Press, agency officials stated that there is no impunity for crimes.

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