Cuban government explains how it is coordinating assistance to victims of fatal migrant accident in Chiapas

The Cuban consul in Mexico assures that the bodies of the deceased will be repatriated if the families wish.

Miguel Ángel Moreno Carpioconsul of Cuba in Mexico City, assured that the consular authorities remain in contact with the families of both those who died and those injured in a tragic accident that occurred in the early hours of this Sunday in the state of Chiapas, in which 10 Cuban women died and another 17 people from the island were seriously injured.

"A consul and a vice consul are moving to the site with the intention of supporting and we have made all the coordination with the Mexican and hospital authorities to support in everything necessary"Moreno Carpio explained in telephone statements to Univision.

The diplomat expressed the consular willingness to "give help to the injured and also proceed to identify and communicate with the relatives of the people who unfortunately died in this tragic accident."

When asked if the bodies of the deceased would be repatriated, Moreno responded that it would depend on the wishes of the relatives.

"In these cases, the procedure we use is the will of the family. We are already establishing communication with several relatives and we will always do what the family requests", accurate.

Miguel Ángel Moreno Carpio denied having an official list of victims and wounded at this time, because they are in the process of identification, and indicated that until the Cuban personnel are on the scene, there will not be an official list.

A Twitter, The Cuban embassy in Mexico ratified what was expressed by Miguel Ángel Moreno Carpio.

A publication indicated that the consul in Veracruz would arrive at the hospitals and that a vice consul would also travel to "support in the identification of the deceased and help the injured."

Ernesto Soberón Guzmán, who serves as general director of Consular Affairs and Attention to Cubans Living Abroad (DACCRE), published on social networks the enabled telephone numbers - supposedly available 24 hours a day - to provide consular assistance to Cuban citizens involved in the Chiapas accident. .

The National Migration Institute (INM) confirmed that A total of ten female Cuban migrants, one of them a minor, died in the early hours of this Sunday in a car accident occurred in the state of Chiapas, in Mexico. In addition to the deceased, 17 other people - four of them minors - were seriously injured.

Information disseminated by Mexican press media unofficially disseminated a list of dead and injured.

According to the first reports, the driver of the torton-type truck - which was traveling at excess speed - lost control of the vehicle and overturned. After the accident, the driver fled. Nine women died at the scene and another died while being taken to the hospital.

According to the INM statement, The truck carried a total of 27 people, all of Cuban origin., and the accident occurred at kilometer 134 of the Pijijiapan-Tonalá highway section.

In an unusual reaction on the part of the Cuban government, in the last hours both Miguel Diaz-Canel like the chancellor Bruno Rodriguez They wrote messages of condolence on Twitter.

"With pain we learned of the tragic road accident in Chiapas, which took the lives of Cuban migrants. Condolences to the families of the victims and wishes for recovery to the injured [...] We urge people to use regular, safe and orderly routes to emigrate"wrote Díaz-Canel.

"We deeply regret the death of Cuban irregular migrants in the state of Chiapas, as a result of a car accident. @EmbaCuMex coordinates with Mexican authorities to provide required consular assistance. #Cuba reiterates commitment to safe migration," said Bruno Rodríguez.

Both publications immediately generated hundreds of comments from outraged Cubans who blame the Cuban government for the crisis that has led thousands of citizens in recent years to endanger their lives in order to leave the country.

Some pointed out that The reaction of the regime in this case is due to the fact that Bruno Rodríguez is currently in Mexico, where he is attending the IX Meeting of the Puebla Group.

The State Attorney General's Office (FGE) through the Immigrant Prosecutor's Office opened a corresponding investigation folder for Homicide and Injury against the person or persons responsible for the incident.

In the last two years, unfortunately, there have been several reports of traffic accidents involving migrants, including Cubans, while they advance by land towards the southern border of the United States.

Just two weeks ago, at least 22 Cuban migrants, including three minors between the ages of 5 and 7, were injured when the van they had rented overturned to move to the state of Oaxaca, in southern Mexico.

In the first week of September it emerged that More than 20 thousand Cuban migrants were in the city of Tapachula, in Chiapas, waiting to carry out immigration procedures to regularize their situation or continue their journey to the United States.

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