They threaten a custodian with a knife to rob a warehouse in Havana

The two thieves took 15,000 pesos. They were arrested in their homes.

Ladrones de bodega en La Habana © El Cubano Fiel / Facebook
Warehouse thieves in Havana Photo © El Cubano Fiel / Facebook

Cuban police arrestedtwo men accused of robbing a warehouse in Havana after intimidating the guard with a knife.

InFacebook, the profile identified as El Cubano Fiel, linked to the Ministry of the Interior, shared the photos of the two alleged thieves. Although the images are pixelated, at leastone of them looks very young.

The event occurred last Sunday, October 15, at dawn, in thereparto Lutgardita del municipio Boyeros.

Facebook Capture / El Cubano Fiel

"EvildoersThey threatened the warehouse custodian with a knife located on 323rd Street, between 321st and Final," the information states.

The note adds that, according to neighbors' testimonies, after having taken 15,000 pesos, the police arrested them in their own homes.

In recent months, thefts in warehouses in Cuba have increased, in a scenario marked by food shortages and worsening inflation, which have led to an increase in crime.

In the first seven months, there were10 robberies with force in the warehouses of Sancti Spíritus, in addition to six acts of corruption that were discovered.

The typology of forceful robberies included the breaking of doors, ceilings and windows and among the most stolen goods were rice, grains, sugar, coffee, oil, meat, inputs for production and self-management products.

From January to May, there werea total of 361 robberies with force in Cuban wineries, according to official figures.

The figure decreased by 66 compared to the end of 2022, although thefts increased in the provinces of Pinar del Río, Matanzas, Camagüey, Las Tunas, Holguín and also Sancti Spíritus.

The products that are stolen the most are rice, beans, powdered milk, coffee, refined vegetable oil, sugars, soaps and cigarettes.

In July, police arresteda man who stole 25 cartons of eggs from a warehouse in the Pueblo Nuevo neighborhood, in the municipality of Holguín. The thief also took the weight, which was recovered.

Days before, news broke of arobbery in a Granma winery, in the mountainous town of El Bombón, from the Guisa municipality. The police captured the thieves and returned the food to the warehouse.

At the beginning of that month,three subjects robbed a winery in the Cienfuegos town of Aguada de Pasajeros and they took the errands of the regulated basic basket.

A man on duty warned police about the robbery. The three citizens forced a window of the establishment to enter.

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