They murder a young man in Havana to steal his motorcycle

The young man was murdered outside a hospital.

La víctima, el joven Julián Lescaille © Facebook/Leandro Lescaille
The victim, the young Julián Lescaille Photo © Facebook/Leandro Lescaille

A young Cuban was murdered in Havana to steal the motorcycle at the exit of a hospital where his partner was about to give birth, according to family members and acquaintances on social networks.

"All in Old Havana We knew this boy, Julián Lescaille (El Puchy), neighbor of Habana and Lamparilla streets. Good father, good friend, polite and respectful. They tell me that he was cowardly murdered in the dead of night to take away his motorcycle when he was leaving the hospital, where his wife was about to give birth," denounced Cuban rapper El Funky on Facebook.

Facebook Capture/El Funky

In the aforementioned social network, the musician Leandro Lescaille, who lives outside the country and identified himself as the deceased's first cousin, was shocked by the crime.

"Many people say 'proud to be Cuban'. Not at all, the Cuban of all the people I have met is the most envious, the most harmful, the most interested, the most hypocritical...At this point in life , in the middle of 2023, the one they are most afraid of of all the 'races' in Latin America and the world...Capable of taking a life for the price of a motorcycle, are we crazy or what? he questioned before announcing the tragic news.

Lescaille added that the "beautiful ones of Cuba" are always hunting the "weakest" and are not capable of doing anything for their family or for Cuba.

"For me, truly handsome is not the one who pricks, kills or cuts someone. That is a disgrace. Guapot is the one who fights for his freedom, that of his family, for health, moving forward in short... Another person leaves the physical world because someone decided its end. Enough of saying because that's how God wanted it," he concluded.

Facebook Capture/Leandro Lescaille

In the comments section of both publications, dozens of Cubans were dismayed by the systematic evidence of the wave of violence that is sweeping the country throughout the island, and demanded that the authorities do their job and put a stop to it as soon as possible. to violence.

Until the closing of this note there is no confirmation in official media of the crime.

In recent days, a Cuban resident in the municipality Sagebrush who had been missing since October 17 He was found dead two days later with signs of violence. The motive for the crime in that case would also have been the theft of a motorcycle and other belongings.

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