Gerardo Hernández invites prominent members of the CDR to dinner in a private restaurant

The Salsa Río Bar-Restaurant is a place with strong ties to the “clientele” of the Cuban regime and usually organizes events with the logic of “productive chains”, typical of “continuity”.

Cartel del evento y Bar-Restaurante Salsa Río © Facebook / Gerardo de Los Cinco - Salsa Río Cuba
Event poster and Salsa Río Bar-Restaurant Photo © Facebook / Gerardo de Los Cinco - Salsa Río Cuba

Prominent blood donors, "community leaders" and founders of theCommittees for the Defense of the Revolution (CDR) They will receive a dinner with live music in a private restaurant in Havana.

In recognition of the CDR, its national coordinator and former failed spy,Gerard Hernandez Nordelo, invited them to celebrate their outstanding work as CDR members in an event organized at the Salsa Río Bar-Restaurant.

Facebook capture / Gerardo de Los Cinco

Non-state economic actors can contribute a lot to the neighborhood, and this initiative, which is here to stay, will hopefully multiply.. At the end of the day, #AllSomosCederistas #UnidosXCuba #CDRCuba,” Hernández Nordelo said this Wednesday in hissocial networks.

His publication shared the poster announcing the agape (which will be held next Thursday, November 9), which emphasizes that “the CDR and the Salsa Río restaurant offer: Recognition of blood donors, founders of the organization and community leaders. Dinner and live music.”

Located in the Great Metropolitan Park of Havana, under the Almendares Bridge, the restaurant was inaugurated a little over a year ago by private initiative, reusing part of the existing public infrastructure in the park.

The Salsa Río Bar-Restaurant, about which little information can be obtained on the internet about its management and owners,It is a place with strong ties to the “clientele” of the Cuban regime and usually organizes events with the logic of “productive chains between state and non-state actors” of “continuity.”

At the beginning of November of last year, the Salsa Río Bar-Restaurant hosted the wedding banquet andthe party organized by a gay couple of a Cuban and a Venezuelan, in which one of them thanked the jurist and activist for the rights of the LGBTI community,Manuel Vazquez Seijido, a Mariela Castro y alCenesex.

Among those invited to the celebration was the grandson of the late dictatorFidel Castro, the controversial "businessman"Sandro Castro, as well as the actorAlejandro Cuervo.

In April of this year, during his visit to Havana, he stopped by and celebrated at the Salsa Río Bar-Restaurant,Tito El Bambino, one ofthe guests at the criticized Cayo Santa María Music Fest event.

Among the long list of musicians who have played at the venue isJorge Junior and The 4, Manolín, the Salsa Doctor, And Rulay, Elito Revé and his Charangón, Alexander Abreu and Havana de Primera, OApart From From, among others.

The last one to pass under the Almendares Bridge and leave an advertising message on the social networks of the Salsa Río Bar-Restaurant was the reggaeton playerThe Micha, who recently visited Havana,sparking a great controversy among his followers.

Three days after the author of “A dream (Cuba Shouts Freedom)” left his enthusiastic promotional message on the local networks, Hernández Nordelo appears celebrating the “contribution to the neighborhood of non-state economic actors”, and organizing with the Salsa Río Bar-Restaurant an “initiative” to reward the outstanding members of an organization dedicated to neighborhood “snitching” and thatIt is part of the repressive framework of the Cuban totalitarian regime.

"At the end of the day, we are all CDR supporters"said the former spy, predicting that these types of regime initiatives "are here to stay."

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