US Coast Guard returns four Cuban rafters detained near Florida

The Cubans were detained near Marquesas Key.

USCG © USCGSoutheast / Twitter
USCG Photo © USCGSoutheast / Twitter

The United States Coast Guard (USCG) returned this Tuesday four Cuban rafters who were detained near the coast of Florida.

According to a USCG post on Twitter, the repatriated immigrants were detained last Saturday near Marquesas Key and were traveling from illegally in an attempt to emigrate to the United States.

In this regard, the post explained that the American maritime borders "are not open to unauthorized entry or illicit trafficking."

The rafters that are intercepted at sea They are returned to Cuba in their entirety and are not later eligible to legally immigrate to the US.

In statistics released by the US Department of Customs and Border Protection (CBP), it was known that 200,287 Cubans entered that country for their land borders in the recently concluded fiscal year 2023 (FY2023).

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