Vandalism in Havana: A bus is attacked with stones

An act of vandalism in Havana has left a bus out of circulation after being attacked with stones during its journey.

Transporte público dañado de la ruta P12 © Facebook/Transportación Habana TH
Damaged public transport on route P12 Photo © Facebook/Transportación Habana TH

The stoning of public transportation in Havana seems to have no end. This time it happened on Tuesday morning on the well-known P12 that covers the route from Parque de la Fraternidad to Santiago de Las Vegas.

Initial information indicated that several people were injured, but the Cuban regime said that was not the case. TheGeneral Directorate of Transportation of the Province of Havana He offered the official details of the case on his Facebook profile.

Facebook Communication Dgtph

"The event occurred in the following way: At 00:30 hours, unscrupulous and unknown people threw stones at thein all 8858 which covered the intersection of route P16 on San Lázaro and Marqués González streets, in the Centro Habana municipality. "The car has 2 damaged window panes, but it was not traveling with passengers on board and therefore there are no injuries."

Initially theFacebook profile Transportation Havana TH had said that unscrupulous people "stoned thein all 8858, full of personnel in the section between CUJAE and Fontanar".

In that version, the events occurred around 5:30 am and several passengers, including a child, were reported with cuts from the broken window glass.

Screenshot Facebook/Transportation Havana TH

Although the initial publication did not report details of the people who committed this act, it did specify that the authorities began a search for those responsible for the events.

In the photos that accompany the complaint, it is observed that the vehicle suffered significant damage, which will lead to it being taken out of circulation, in a context ofserious crisis with public transportation in Cuba.

Recently, a similar event was reported on route P10 that runs from Playa to La Víbora, which wasstoned by a group of young people, presumably for not stopping at one of the corresponding stops.

According to the user identified as Leandro'h Sala'h, “bus 519, on route P10, in Monte Barreto, Playa municipality,” suffered vandalism from several young people who threw stones at the vehicle.

“The driver did not stop at the stop because it was full. And when we were halfway there, several groups of kids stoned the bus,” the Internet user described in theFacebook group Bus & Truck Accidents, where, in addition, he said that the first ones who threw stones were joined by others, which caused the bus to continue on its way.

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