The author offour violent robberies of cell phones from minors in Holguín He was arrested this week by the police, along with his accomplice in one of the crimes, according to official reports.
Therobberies occurred this month, in areas of the Nuevo Llano neighborhood and El Laberinto park, in the Lenin neighborhood, and another individual was involved in the last incident, who "has already been placed at the disposal of the authorities," according to apublication on the Facebook profile “Realities from Holguín”, one of the official accounts created by the Cuban regime to wash the image of the Ministry of the Interior and the Police.
“During the month of February, complaints had been made in different units of the PNR related to a person who was committing acts of a violent nature. His way of operating was undoubtedly reprehensible, he threatened and then stole cell phones from minors,” the post revealed.
According to the note, “members of the MININT and collaborators in Holguín joined together to arrest the author of these robberies with violence on February 13.”
The report specifies that two of the stolen cell phones were recovered and shows photos of the act of returning them to their owners, in anothershow of those that the authorities usually put on to praise the actions of the forces of order, which, however, are questioned by the majority of citizens due to their ineffectiveness in addressing theescalation of crime and violence that is lived in the country.
“A representation of MININT officers who participated in the clarification, government officials, the president of the Popular Council, legal representatives of the victims, the minors and residents of the place met to proceed to return the cell phones,” triumphantly highlights the note from “Realities from Holguín”.
“Shows of gratitude from the parents and the desire for justice to be enforced emerged at the scene,” the post noted.
A crime wave keeps the Cuban population in suspense, frightened by insecurity in the face of the obviousincrease in criminal acts and violence.
Citizens have sought alternatives to protect themselves, such asinstallation of surveillance cameras in homes. Precisely, recent robberies have been captured on videos in the homes of those affected. But even so, this has not contributed to the arrest and prosecution of the thieves.
A family from Nuevo Vedado, in Havana, was the victim in December of aattempted armed robbery which was recorded by security cameras located outside his home.
The attempted assault was the third time that the same individual, identified asRandiel Alexis Anca Álvarez, broke into that house, after two previous robberies for whichHe was detained and later released pending trial.
On this occasionHe entered the patio of the home with a gun and pointed it at the owner's head., as seen in the recording; but fortunately, she managed to back away and close the door in time, thus avoiding a fatal outcome.
Another family, resident in Playa, offered areward to anyone who provides information that allows them to capture a thief who broke into and stole from their home.
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