They hold a political event in Holguín to return a phone taken from a teenager by motorbike thieves

The police and the Party summoned the girl and her mother, along with students and teachers, so that everyone could see how the minor recovered her cell phone.

Oficial del MININT entrega celular a la adolescente © Realidades desde Holguín / Facebook
MININT officer gives cell phone to the teenager Photo © Realidades from Holguín / Facebook

The Cuban authorities put on quite a show to return a cell phone that two men on a motorcycle snatched from a teenager days ago in Holguín.

The police and the Party summoned the girl and her mother, along with students and teachers, so that everyone could see how they returned the minor's stolen cell phone.

Photo: Facebook / Realities from Holguín

The profile ofFacebook 'Realidades desde Holguín', linked to the Ministry of the Interior, reported that the victim, identified asLara, 14 years old, recovered his phone at an event held at a high school, which was attended by the Party secretary in the municipality and officials who worked on resolving the case.

Facebook Capture / Realities from Holguín

The young woman's mother,Elaine Garcia, thanked the police for their work and the teachers for supporting her daughter in such an unpleasant moment.

Photo: Facebook / Realities from Holguín

The robbery occurred last Wednesday around 9:00 am in the vicinity of the Alberto Sosa mixed educational center, in the Pueblo Nuevo popular council, of the main municipality.

"Lara was carrying her phone in her hand when two criminals in the middle of the street,mounted on a motorcycle (motorina), they violently snatched the phone cell phone toLarita", detailed the post.

According to the note, four hours after making the report, the police had already recovered the cell phone and arrested the perpetrators, who confessed to being responsible for the robbery with violence.

One of the thieves had previously been identified as Raúl, and the official profile '“Cazador Cazado' promised to return with more information about him and "his henchmen."

Violent robberies have increased alarmingly in Cuba, in the midst of a serious economic crisis and poor performance by the police, which only worsens insecurity on the streets.

Faced with criticism for the ineffectiveness of the police in stopping the wave of violence, authorities increasingly tend to make public the capture of criminals or the return of stolen goods, for which they use Internet profiles linked to the regime.

On Friday, it was learned that a police officer from the Provincial Transit Unit of Havanacaptured a man who snatched a chain from a girl on the street.

As explained on Facebook by the official profile Maximus Romus, the victim was at a bus stop when the thief took the garment from him, put it in his mouth and started running.

Also this week it emerged that thePolice captured a gang of thieves that operated in the city of Cienfuegos, where they robbed at least two houses, a TRD chain kiosk and a market.

In a public event held in the Buena Vista neighborhood, the police returned a washing machine, a television and a fan that was stolen from a resident on May 3 at her home.

That morning, the woman woke up and saw two men in her room, who, upon being discovered, covered her mouth and held a knife to her neck, asking her where the money was. Out of fear, she indicated to them, and while one was searching, the other snatched the chains from her neck, which caused her injuries.

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