José Martí airport worker in Havana arrested for package theft

The worker had printers, tool boxes, boxes, sealed packages and even fuel in his home.

Envoltura de equipaje © Facebook/Aeropuerto Internacional José Martí
Luggage wrap Photo © Facebook/José Martí International Airport

A worker ofJosé Martí International Airport of Havana He was detained by the Cuban police after belongings stolen from the luggage of travelers arriving at that air terminal were found.

The official El Cubano Fiel account, associated with the Cuban Ministry of the Interior (MININT), assured inFacebook that the worker was dedicated to stealing the packages while transporting them to the warehouse.

The aforementioned source states that the arrest was made after “a complaint made about the missing mobile phone that came in a package,” to which “the airport police carried out a search at the house of a terminal driver. "who was dedicated to removing things from the packages he delivered to the warehouse."

Although the account does not specify in which of the airport terminals the events occurred, it does state that in the search carried out at the man's house, "several things that were stolen were found, which included printers, tool boxes, boxes and sealed packages, even fuel.”

Facebook Capture/El Cubano Fiel

A similar event happened at the beginning of December, whenTwo workers from Terminal 3 of said airport facility were arrested after stolen belongings were found on them. of travelers' luggage.

Those detained would be accused of theft and must answer before the Cuban courts.

The issue of theft and looting of luggage at Cuban airports is constant, for which Cuban Customs has received numerous criticisms over the years.

At the end of 2023,A Cuban who traveled from Miami to Havana had one of his suitcases stolen upon arrival at José Martí Airport.

The event occurred on October 25. The traveler flew with Delta airlines and arrived in Cuba at 3:45 p.m. through terminal 3, according to what his daughter-in-law reported to journalist Alberto Arego.

"He came with two 49-pound suitcases. When it came time to pick up his suitcases, only one appeared. At that moment, after so much searching, the claim was made to the pertinent offices and they told us that in 24 hours they would give us an answer about what happened. "explained the woman.

According to the woman, when they returned to the place the next day, General Supervisor Emmanuel informed them that they had to go to Delta airlines in Miami.

In March 2023, Kirenia Wilson Días, a Cuban resident in Guantánamo,suffered two robberies that month at airports on the Island.

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