Another “exemplary trial” in Cuba: Jail and fines for workers and clients of the Havana Electric Company

“We will not allow unscrupulous people to stain the worth of men and women who do not rest so that despite the existing difficulties, adequate service reaches our clients,” concluded the UNE.

Cubans witnessed this Tuesdayanother “exemplary judgment” that made the headlines of the official press and that sentenced workers and clients of the company to prison terms and administrative sanctions.Havana Electric Company.

“Officials of the Havana Electric Company were sanctioned for a crime of falsification of banking and commercial documents, to commit continuous bribery, to sentences of between 6 and 8 years of deprivation of liberty, and users to administrative fines,” indicated theMinisterio del Interior (MININT) on their social networks.

For its part, theElectrical Union of Cuba (UNE) specified in hissocial networks that the “oral, public and exemplary trial was held a few days ago in the Provincial Court of Havana.”

According to thestate company, “the fight against crime and illegalities is and will be a daily combat of our cadres and operational bodies of the Ministry of the Interior, in order to protect our working people.”

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Day after day, the company he runsAlfredo Lopez Valdes isunable to supply the electrical energy that its customers demand, who pay for this service rates that have been increasing since the entry into force of the failed “economic and monetary order”, while the crisis of the national electroenergy system (SEN) worsened.

“We will not allow unscrupulous people to stain the worth of men and women who do not rest so that, despite the existing difficulties, adequate service reaches our clients,” UNE concluded in its publication.

The investigation by the MININT together with employees of the Havana Electric Company culminated in the accusation of seven officials of the entity and 14 clients from the residential sector of the Plaza de la Revolución municipality.

As a result of the investigation, the involvement of the computer scientist who administered the automated commercial management system used by Unión Eléctrica to control the company was determined, indicated areportage fromCuban Television.

With tremendous music in the background, the journalist specified that “the criminal chain was made up not only of the main computer scientist of the Havana electricity company and the administrator of the Plaza de la Revolución commercial office,” but also that a supervisory inspector participated. and four collecting readers.

The main clients linked to the process were high energy consumers, for whom the alleged plot facilitated the evasion of the corresponding payments through computer tools aimed at violating the system, indicated MININT officials who participated in the investigation.

“To have electricity in the meters, you have to import fuel, large volumes of fuel. [Electricity] is generated in a thermoelectric plant, it is transmitted, it is distributed and it reaches a meter meter. Therefore, every time a customer is stealing electricity from a meter meter,what he is stealing is fuel", he concludedMario Castillo Salas, general director of the capital's Electric Company.

For its part,Haydee Gómez Tellería, commercial director of the company, stated that “in order to work and be in this job, trust and ethics were needed, above all.”

“I am convinced that, deep down, they must be very sorry for what they did,” he said.Omar Alejandro Alonso Prieto, network and systems technician at the aforementioned company.

Last October, a municipal delegate of the People's Power in Pinar del Río proposed using the media, under the control of the Cuban Communist Party (PCC)to transmit exemplary judgments, in order to create “awareness”.

Used as coercive and threatening examples for Cubans, the so-called “exemplary trials” have been part of the regime's repression and control strategies to dissuade the population from committing actions that alter the status quo, whether for economic, criminal or other crimes. that threaten the “security of the state.”

Recently,In an “exemplary trial” a man was sentenced to life imprisonment in Cuba for the murder of a farmer who was robbed and slaughtered in the company of three other thieves.

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