Criminals attack a van on the national highway of Cuba

Reports of robberies of private vehicles, transport or goods on the Highway continue to rise.

Autopista Nacional (imagen de referencia) © Trabajadores
National Highway (reference image) Photo © Workers

The cases of robberies in theCuban National Highway continue to increase, with drivers and users reporting a series ofassaults that affect private vehicles, transport and cargo of goods.

A recent incident was shared byDaniel Lopez in the Facebook group Bus and Truck Accidents, where he exposed an attack suffered in the van that was transporting valuable cargo, including a wheelchair intended for his disabled grandmother.

Danil López in the groupFacebook Bus and Truck Accidents

The event occurred between kilometers 172 and 217 of the highway. The vehicle's canvas was cut and the items it was transporting, including food, were stolen by unidentified individuals.

López narrated his situation to seek help and alert other drivers or travelers of the danger on that stretch of the highway.

A type of robbery that is repeated is the night attack, also reported by another driver who reported hisexperience near kilometer 200.

According to his testimony, a Peugeot 301 overtook him repeatedly before overtaking him further ahead. Shortly after, an individual tried to break into his truck by cutting the tarp. However, the presence of people in the back of the vehicle prevented the robbery from being completed.

These complaints ofcrimes on the National Highway suggest a worrying trend in the island's road safety and raise questions about the strategies and effectiveness of police efforts to combat this type of crime.

The increasing frequency of these incidents demands a stronger response and more effective surveillance to protect citizens and their property from attacks by criminals who now appear to be more daring and audacious.

The driving community urges the authorities to pay greater attention and take measures to guarantee safety on one of the most important roads in Cuba, but the response from the regime does not arrive, despite the complaints.

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