Cuban appears by surprise at his parents' house: This was the exciting reunion

"How beautiful this house is," the young man shouted when he entered the door of his house.

An exciting reunion is moving Cubans from all over the world. The protagonist of the beautiful scene is Yasmany Matanzas (@yasmanymatanzas on TikTok), who traveled by surprise from Miami to the island to hug his family again.

This Cuban appeared without warning at the family home and as soon as he entered through the door, he shouted "How beautiful this house" leaving his parents completely speechless, who could not hold back their tears.

After a long time without seeing his people, this Cuban gave them the best gift.A moment full of emotion in which everyone cried because of the unexpected meeting.

"That's what a Cuban comes back to. Those hugs are priceless!", "He who does not want to have a family there is because he does not love anyone", "No one can criticize anyone for going to see their parents or their children. That is the greatest thing that exists in the world. What joy and I pray for the union of all the parents who are not with their children", "It's good to be reunited with the family. What a blessing those videos bring tears" or "Impossible not to cry", are some of the comments. that are read along with the beautiful scene.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor of CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University of Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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