Cubans respond to Díaz-Canel after message for Mother's Day: “You have their children imprisoned”

“You have given me the gift of not being able to be with my son today, for having emigrated to ensure a future for him far from the land where I was born, a tremendous gift,” said a mother.

Miguel Díaz-Canel © Granma
Miguel Diaz-Canel Photo © Granma

The designated Cuban leader Miguel Diaz-Canel has sent a congratulatory message, through its social networks, to the Cuban mothers who celebrate their day this Sunday. However, The responses of many Cubans have demanded the freedom of political prisoners, imprisoned for unjust sentences that punish their parents.

“To the Cuban mothers, capable of sustaining and transforming the most difficult reality, with sensitivity, courage and beauty, Congratulations!” said the president, who posted a photo of an official from the Ministry of the Interior with her son and his mother.

Away from all this interest in transmitting a day of tranquility in the Cuban family, Cubans have responded to General Raúl Castro's appointee with images of detained mothers and political prisoners condemned by his regime, only for demanding basic human rights.

A mother's love is killed and hurts when her son is behind the clubs of hatred, doctrines, repression, hunger, insecurity. That mother who today will not have her son because he is imprisoned, exiled, disappeared or died in his attempt to reach a safe harbor", mentioned a user, poetically summarizing the problems with the plurality of ideas, emigration and violence, so present in the reality of Cuba.

You have a bunch of mothers crying because their children are in prison.”said another person.

The complaints also delved into current problems that Cuban families suffer. “I don't know how you're not ashamed. So many mothers with their children imprisoned for giving your combat order. So many mothers fanning their children outdoors because you took away their light, without food, without water; surviving thanks to your Robolution,” said an Internet user.

Precisely, a Cuban mother ironically thanked the designated president for his congratulations. “You have given me the gift of not being able to be with my son today, for having emigrated to ensure a future for him far from the land where I was born, a tremendous gift.", said.

Another Internet user left a question for the Cuban president: “And those of us who had to emigrate due to communism and today cannot be next to our mothers?”.

The Cuban mothers They have been protagonists in the confrontation with the Cuban regime, standing up to the shortage of food, medicine and basic products. With their ingenuity they have created networks of support and solidarity, with the help of social networks, to try to overcome the difficulties that the government forces them to face on the island.. They have also been exposed to abuse.

Recently, A mother from Cienfuegos exploded on social networks in the face of the continuous blackouts in Cuba and called on Cubans to wake up to get out of this crisis in which the country has been mired for years.

Also, mothers who stood in front of the residence of ruler Miguel Díaz-Canel in mid-April They were summoned and threatened with prosecution for "contempt."

"Our only crime is to demand our rights, but we face threats and retaliation," he explained. Nidia Noriega Rodríguez to the portal Martí News.

This Sunday, in an open letter to the Cuban regime, the mothers of the political prisoners of July 11 They asked for solidarity “with our pain at the unjust and criminal situation suffered by our children, deprived of liberty for almost three years.”

On a day in which the mother must be the center of attention for her children, those who suffer and have imprisoned children need to remind their jailers and repressors that “they are good men and women, innocent and dignified Cubans, whose only crime was to exercise their right to express themselves freely about what they considered and consider a just demand: a better Cuba, with freedom and human rights for all.”

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