They repair La Gran Piedra road in Santiago de Cuba after years of abandonment

Seven kilometers of the mountainous road have already been rehabilitated, of the 14 that must be repaired.

The government of Santiago de Cuba The process of paving the access road to The Great Stone, after having ignored for years the warnings of residents and visitors about the danger posed by the serious deterioration of the road.

A report broadcast by the official channel Big Turquino presumed that already Seven kilometers of the mountainous road have been rehabilitated, of the 14 that must be repaired, after neglect, weeds and landslides narrowed the road, turning it into a very unsafe route for drivers and pedestrians for years.

With great optimism, the report highlighted that, thanks to the repair of the road, "daily access to the bus routes to the hotel facility (La Gran Piedra hotel) will be facilitated, given that the mountain trucks only provide service on Tuesdays."

Contradictorily, for years, the inhabitants of the rural community They have expressed their frustration at not being attended to their complaints due to a greater number of buses or trucks, as well as an increase in the frequency of trips.

Many of the residents who work or live near La Gran Piedra are forced to work their way up to 14 kilometers on foot due to the precarious transport conditions, which the regime justified with the terrible condition of the road.

One of the residents of the mountainous town stated in the report that the deterioration of the road put children at risk as they go back and forth from school to their homes every day. situation that was warned repeatedly for years.

A worker from the Islazul company expressed her desire and hope that with the repair of the road, tourists will return, the main source of income for the locals, and who previously visited the area where it is located, in addition to the huge stone, and Botanical Garden, a hotel and also the La Isabelica museum.

The attention paid by the regime to the mountainous road coincides with the recent declaration of the Sierra de la Gran Piedra, together with the Heights of Santa María de Loreto and the Coastal Terraces of Mar Verde-Baconao, as the second National Geopark of Cuba.

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