More details about Don Omar's cancer are revealed: The reggaeton singer had one kidney removed.

The journalist Raúl de Molina revealed details about the recent surgery of Don Omar, in which they removed a kidney affected by cancer.

The journalist Raúl de Molina gave more details about Don Omar's health status on the program El Gordo y La Flaca on Univision after the Puerto Rican artist underwent cancer surgery.

It was on Monday when the famous reggaeton artist announced via a post that he had cancer. A day later, through the same channel, he announced that the surgery he underwent had been a success and he was recovering from the surgical procedure. However, the Cuban journalist has now revealed more details about the surgery.

According to the host of the program, Don Omar had one kidney removed, affected by a cancerous tumor.

Yesterday I received great joy when Don Omar called me to inform me that he had come out well from his surgery, an intervention that lasted four hours and that he already felt better. The effects of the anesthesia were still noticeable in his voice, but the joy was immense when he said "they already took out the cancer," said De Molina, who almost two decades ago also had a kidney removed after being diagnosed with cancer.

Talking to Don Omar, I found out that they removed his left kidney and mine the right one. William, I wish you all the best. Now we have something in common, we both only have one kidney," he added.

In light of the good news about Don Omar's health, followers, coworkers, and colleagues from the music industry have sent him their best wishes and messages of strength for his recovery.

Today I woke up without cancer and grateful. Thank you for your good wishes, prayers, and thousands of messages. My surgery was a complete success and now it's time to recover.

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Izabela Pecherska

Editor at CiberCuba. Graduated in Journalism from the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid, Spain. Editor at El Mundo and PlayGround.

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