Driver dies in accident in Guanabo.

Her companion, a 25-year-old woman, had to be taken to the hospital, but she is out of danger. Apparently, the young people were returning from the activities for the "end of summer in Varadero," and the driver lived in Miami, although he was originally from Santa Marta.

Imagen del accidente y fiesta del cierre del verano en Varadero © Facebook / Accidente Buses & Camiones - Instagram / onielbebeshito
Image of the accident and end-of-summer party in VaraderoPhoto © Facebook / Accidente Buses & Camiones - Instagram / onielbebeshito

A motorist lost their life this Sunday in an accident that occurred on the Vía Blanca, near Guanabo, in the capital municipality of Habana del Este.

His companion, a 25-year-old woman, had to be taken to the hospital but is reported to be out of danger, according to reports on social media. Apparently, the young people were returning from activities for the "end of summer in Varadero."

Screenshot Facebook / Bus & Truck Accidents

"Unfortunately, my cousin and I were the only witnesses to what happened this past Sunday, the end of summer in Varadero. The accident occurred at kilometer 33 of the Vía Blanca, already in Guanabo," reported a user of the Facebook group 'Accidentes Buses & Camiones.'

According to this witness's account, "we were able to quickly help the girl and stop a patrol and get her on board... We couldn't find the boy and, when we saw him, he was no longer breathing."

Identified as Gsm Cuba, the user and content creator expressed his frustration for not having been able to help the accident victims more and detailed that the wrecked motorcycle "was a red Bugatti" [it could be referring to a motorcycle from the Italian manufacturer Ducati].

Facebook screenshot / Bus & Truck Accidents

Previously, in the mentioned group, a user asked for details about what happened. “Who knows anything about the accident involving a Japanese [motorcycle] returning from Varadero to Havana?” he stated in his post.

His message was replied to by another user from the mentioned Facebook group, who claimed to be a neighbor of Guanabo. "I was told that the boy died in the accident. It was at the entrance of Boca Ciega," he noted.

Screenshot Facebook (comment) / Bus & Truck Accidents

"The boy was named Yoan, from Santa Marta. He lived in Miami," said the user identified as Henry Díaz in the comments. For his part, Amaury Pérez confirmed that information, with a slight variation in the name of the supposed deceased: "Yohan, from Santa Marta, Varadero," he indicated.

The user identified as Rayner Clyde Fonts stated that "the girl is named Rachel López, 25 years old, lives in Playa, and at least I brought her to Calixto García without any complications." He added: "I am a paramedic and I was the one who transported her to the hospital."

Facebook screenshot (comment) / Bus & Truck Accidents

The celebrations for the end of summer in Varadero had among their guests Oniel Bebeshito, who sparked chaos on Friday when he took the stage during the event that marks the end of this summer season.

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