A Cuban mother has showcased on TikTok the juggling she had to do to prepare her baby's food during a 12-hour blackout on the island. Through a video shared on the platform, the young woman highlighted the challenges that Cuban families face in meeting basic needs amidst the energy crisis affecting the country.
"Here I was chopping a carrot, a pumpkin, and a malanga, along with garlic, onion, and a small chicken leg. There was no electricity, so I had to light the charcoal," the mother recounted in the video posted on her TikTok account (@anita.cubanita6).
The recording shows how, due to the lack of electricity, she had to resort to traditional methods to cook food and, without a blender, she manually crushed the ingredients to feed her child.
"Since there was no blender because there was no power, I had to grind it by hand. Luckily, my baby likes it.", comentó.
The video has sparked a wave of reactions on social media, with hundreds of comments highlighting the strength of Cuban mothers and the resilience with which they face adversity.
"Very good mother," "Stay strong, it must be very tough," "Cuban women are warriors," and "It's admirable how you figure out ways to resolve things," were some of the supportive messages the young woman received.
Power outages have been a constant issue in recent years in Cuba, affecting thousands of families across the country. Despite government promises to improve the situation, blackouts remain a part of daily life for Cubans, forcing them to seek makeshift solutions to cope with the lack of basic services.
Frequently Asked Questions about the Energy Crisis in Cuba
How does the energy crisis affect Cuban families?
The energy crisis in Cuba severely affects families, forcing them to resort to traditional methods for daily tasks, such as cooking with charcoal or firewood. Extended power outages halt basic activities like food preparation, access to drinking water, and communication, which increases social unrest and desperation.
What solutions have Cuban mothers found to feed their children during blackouts?
Cuban mothers have shown great resilience in finding creative solutions to feed their children during power outages. They have turned to cooking with charcoal and manually mashing food, demonstrating ingenuity and determination in the face of lack of electricity and basic resources.
What is the Cuban government's response to the energy crisis?
Despite government promises, the Cuban government has not provided effective solutions to resolve the energy crisis. Citizens continue to face daily blackouts, which exacerbate the economic and social difficulties on the island, creating distrust towards the authorities.
How have social media reacted to the situation in Cuba?
Social media has served as a platform for Cubans to share their reality regarding the blackouts. The videos and testimonials have gone viral, generating support and solidarity from users both inside and outside the island, as well as criticism of the government for its inability to resolve the crisis.
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