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A brutal murder has shocked the residents of the Afán neighborhood in San Miguel del Padrón. This Tuesday, around five in the afternoon, a young man, allegedly under the influence of the drug known as "el químico," stabbed his own grandmother.
He dealt two fatal wounds: one in the shoulder and another in the neck.
The individual -referred to as "Ariel"- has reportedly already been arrested by the police, according to activist Irma Broek on Facebook.

The assailant, who according to a circulated photo is missing a leg, lives near the Bernardo Posse polyclinic in the mentioned municipality of Havana.
According to local residents, the young man already had a history of violence and drug use.
Since middle school, he exhibited aggressive behavior, and on one occasion, he attempted to throw a classmate from the fourth floor of a building, according to a social media user who knew him from his student days.
Numerous neighbors are in shock over the crime, and many have taken to social media to demand justice.
"I posted it because I was extremely outraged by what he did to his grandmother. I knew her, just like everyone in the area. That's why I posted it, so that they can see who this scoundrel is," expressed a neighbor through social media.
According to that testimony, the now-aggressor was recently rescued from a violent situation at a fair, where he was about to be lynched.
"Today, those who defended him are regretting it", added the cited source.
Another resident of the neighborhood expressed his concern about the rising violence in Cuba.
"I don't know what the police do with those who are under the influence of drugs. They should find out who sold it to them and put an end to those who distribute it. But even so, there's no justification," he commented.
Dozens of Cubans have called for justice for the elderly woman who passed away, named "Berta," and have demanded that the full weight of the law be brought down on the killer.
As of the closure of this report, there are no other confirmed details regarding the unfortunate incident.
In the last two years, all forms of violence in Cuba have escalated alarmingly. The severe economic crisis has contributed to the rise in crime, leaving the population in a state of constant insecurity.
At the same time, drug use has risen to concerning levels. In particular, the proliferation of the synthetic cannabinoid known as "the chemical" has been responsible for an increasing number of aggressive behaviors and episodes of extreme violence.
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