The trial againstLuis Robles Elizástigui, a young Cuban imprisoned for a year for walking with a sign along San Rafael Boulevard in Havana, will take place on December 16 at 9:00 in the morning.
A publication on the political prisoner's Facebook page announced that the oral hearing will take place in the Provincial Court of Havana and hopes that“Justice is done and Luis goes free”.
In statements toRadio Television Martí, his brotherLandys Fernández ElizástiguiHe said he received the news thanks to a call from his mother,Yinra Elizástigui Jardines, who had been notified, also by telephone, by an official of the Provincial Court.
“We hope justice is doneand that Luis can be released since Nowhere in the world is it a crime to demonstrate peacefully as he did. Let's hope that this suffering is over and that he can be free with his family and his son," Fernández Elizástigui told the aforementioned media.
On December 4, 2020Robles walked down the Havana pedestrian street carrying demands against repression and demanding the rapper's freedomDenis Solis, recently exiled after serving eight months in prison for contempt. Robles' solo protest was motivated by violence against members of theSan Isidro Movement, quartered days before at its headquarters at Damas 955, in Old Havana.
Declaredpolitical prisoner by the organization Prisoners Defenders andAccused of the crimes of enemy propaganda and disobedience, Robles is facing a prosecutor's request for six years of deprivation of liberty.
In the last 12 months you have been denied resources forchange of measurement, has been subjected to cruel and degrading treatment in prison ranging from denial of medical care,repeated confinement in punishment cells and threats by State Security officials.
In a recent conversation with opposition member Ángel Moya Acosta from the Combinado del Este prison, Robles denounced thatthey had chained himwith "handcuffs that they call 'Shakiras', a chain that surrounds your waist and from which others come out that tie your hands and feet" and added that they left him in those conditions for hours "in a room, standing, without allowing anyone to I feel".
Not only the protester has been harassed, but also his family. Your brother has beensummoned for interrogations by State Security and their loved ones have been prohibited from visiting and calling the prison on several occasions.
Human rights organizations such as Human Rights Watch, Cuban Observatory of Human Rights and Amnesty International have spoken out for the release of the young man, one of the more than 800 political prisoners in Cuba.
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