Cuban family with CBP One is separated upon entering the US: "Two people are imprisoned"

They were separated at the border. Two of the men traveling with the family were interviewed for credible fear and were detained.

A Cuban family tried to enter the United States with a CBP One appointment, but they were separated at the border and two of its members are imprisoned to this day.

JournalistMario J. Penton He showed a delicate immigration case on his YouTube channel. He explained that there were six people who were traveling together and waited in Mexico for their CBP One appointment to enter the United States, but something did not go as they thought.

Upon reaching the US border, four of the family members (a father, a mother, their young daughter and the girl's aunt) were allowed to enter the country, but the aunt's husband and a nephew were subdued. to credible fear interview and have been detained in the custody of the authorities.

"I received a call, telling me that they were in a prison. It's like they were criminals, I don't know. I don't understand why if you enter legally, with a CBP One appointment, and they do this to us," asked the woman whose husband is imprisoned. on border.

Pentón warned Cubans who plan to emigrate to the United States using this route, which is a method to request asylum,it is not a visa. There is an important difference and it must be taken into account at all times.

"It is to request asylum legally. That we Cubans have the possibility of regularizing ourselves after a year and a day, does not mean that this is an application to let everyone pass through. You can request asylum with the CBP One appointment and they will do a credible scary interview," said the journalist.

The two Cubans detained in San Antonio, Texas, are Yandy Miranda Vázquez and Walter Ávila Vázquez.

Credible fear interviews are not being carried out in all cases, despite being stipulated by law. In this case, the two men did have it done and they will have to wait for the results.

Pentón asked Cuban migrants to be respectful of US laws, try to understand the procedures and be patient so that they can benefit from the rights they have.

"You cannot arrive and command. A migrant with a CBP One appointment does not automatically have the right to asylum. That 'you deserve to enter the United States' because you are Cuban, that is not the case. They are wrong, change your point of view," said the journalist specialized in immigration issues.

The change in the policy of admission of Cubans to the United States led to an increase in the stay of many migrants from the island in Mexico.

Currently, thousands of Cubans are in Mexican cities near the border, waiting for their CBP One appointment to request political asylum in the United States, but others are waiting to receive parole.

The Ministry of the Interior of Mexico revealed that it has granted close to50 thousand humanitarian visas to Cuban citizens from 2022.

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