What a desire to live Amanda has!

An ultrasound revealed that the girl has a very swollen spleen due to cirrhosis, which is why her hemoglobin dropped to five and she had to be transfused. However, she is active and eats well.

Amanda Lemus Ortiz © Mila Ortiz / Facebook
Amanda Lemus Ortiz Photo © Mila Ortiz / Facebook

The Cuban girl Amanda Lemus Ortiz, who suffers from bile duct atresia and has been waiting for a liver transplant for a year, had to receive a blood transfusion on Tuesday at the hospital where she is admitted because her hemoglobin level was five.

"The girl did not have a fever today. She had an ultrasound in the morning to check how the ascites was going and it has decreased considerably but the spleen is very swollen due to cirrhosis. This caused his platelets to drop and hemoglobin is at five"he revealed in Facebook the activist Yamilka Lafita, known in networks as Lara Crofs.

"A blood transfusion had to be performed to stabilize her condition a little. She is active despite everything and continues to eat well. What desire to live does Amanda have?"she commented in admiration.

Facebook Capture / Lara Crofs

Lara shared the card number for anyone who wants to send money to the little girl's parents, who aim to get her out of the country as soon as possible.


9205 9598 7787 1948 CUP

9235 9598 7153 0478 MLC

Link to the petition on the GoFundMe digital platform:

In another publication, the young woman clarified that from Cuba you cannot donate to the GoFundMe platform, because Cuban cards are not accredited in any international bank.

Facebook Capture / Lara Crofs

"What we decided to do after consulting with the parents, is to convert all the money that is put in CUP or MLC into USD and put it with a friend outside the country in the GF for Amanda," he clarified.

At the time of writing this note, $5,384 has been raised on GoFundMe, but the goal is to reach $20,000.

"#SOSAMANDA, don't stop helping us position this label on all networks," asked the activist.

On Tuesday, Amanda's mother accused Cuban health officials of making false promises to help her daughter's treatment, after a meeting with directors of the Ministry of Public Health (MINSAP) from which neither she nor her wife came away satisfied. with the answer they gave them.

"Officials, what you are doing, that is a crime. They are killing my girlBecause if you don't want to try to do something for her, making allegations of false representations, turning your back on us, being indolent in the face of our pain and in the face of her pain, because you saw her face, damn it, and she didn't give you pain, you "They don't want to help me, they are condemning me to die here," was the forceful message the woman sent in a video on Facebook.

Last week, given the commotion that Amanda's situation has generated, the MINSAP was forced to issue a statement informing that the minor "has a defined indication for a liver transplant" from a living donor, and that "coordinations are being made with institutions specialists from other countries" to provide a solution.

Apparently, the organization is more concerned about not continuing to make the case public on social networks than offering a true solution to the case, and that is why it gave that brief note that generated indignation in dozens of Cubans, who demanded to know with which countries these supposed coordinations are being made and how much longer they will wait.

"They had forgotten Amanda, if it weren't for her parents who made publications about her situation and they went viral, no one would remember their girl," said a resident of Sancti Spiritus.

"If the girl were the daughter of a senior leader, she would already have had surgery"No more grinding," demanded a woman from Havana.

Days before, the The little girl's mother apologized for not being able to offer her care. and medical treatments you need.

"I ask your forgiveness, my daughter, for being born into a poor family, for being the daughter of a worker, for not being the daughter of someone famous and powerful. I ask your forgiveness for not having parents with enough influence to buy you your health, to buy you the food you need, the medicines, the things that a girl like you needs," Mila Ortiz wrote on her networks.

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