The journalist Mario J. Pentón and the researcher Luis Domínguez, from the Foundation for Human Rights in Cuba,they made known two photos from a party at homeAlejandro Gil Fernandez when he was Minister of Economy and Deputy Prime Minister of the country, in which the official spokesperson was among the guests Humberto Lopez and the singerIsrael Rojas.
In one of the images the leader of the Buena Fe group is seen with a beer in his hand posing next to the minister and other people, including Gil Fernández's son, Alejandro Arnaldo Gil (standing next to Israel); andJorge Luis Perdomo Di-Lella, who until 2021 was Minister of Communications and is currently Deputy Prime Minister of Cuba and member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party (PCC).
It is unknown who the other person is - wearing a yellow sweater in the photo - but it is possibly a relative of the former minister given a certain physical resemblance between the two.

In the case of Israel Rojas, it is worth clarifying that this is not the only evidence of closeness with the deposed minister.
At the end of May of last year Alejandro Gil Fernández expressed his support for the groupGood faith, following the boycott of the group's concerts in Spain, with a photo of Israel Rojas carrying his granddaughter.
"Our little granddaughter is also Buena Fe", wrote then on Twitter Alejandro Gil. Accompanied the message of the labels#BuenaFeYo and#GoodFaithWeAreAll, which the regime's followers promoted on the networks to support the band, which Four of his concerts in Spain were canceled after pressure from Cuban exiles in the Iberian nation.
It should be noted that in the image the singer is wearing different clothes than in the leaked photo now, so it is apparently another visit by the musician to Gil Fernández's family home.
The fact that the senior official used a photo of Israel Rojas holding his own granddaughter to certify his support for the musicians was very poorly viewed by many Internet users at the time, who criticized that Gil Fernández used his own granddaughter. to do politics.
In the other leaked photo you can now see, in addition to Israel Rojas,Humberto López, very smiling, posing with several members of Gil's family.
The group includes, among others, Alejandro Gil, his wife Gina María González and their daughter, Laura María Gil, standing next to her father and carrying her little daughter in her arms.
The aforementioned sources detailed that The leaked images are from Gil Fernández's granddaughter's birthday party.
They also stated thatThe celebration took place on Calle 24 n. 113 between 1st. and 3rd, in Miramar, in a house that Alejandro Gil received as a gift in May of last year.
Pentón specified that, although Vicky Gil in an interview referred to her brotherHe lived in a small apartment in El Vedado that had belonged to his familyIn May 2023, Gil Fernández moved to that home at the aforementioned address and gave the apartment on L Street, in El Vedado, to his son, who is a university professor.
The journalist showed that it is an attractive two-story construction that at some point belonged to a foreign company, but last year they handed over one of the floors to the Minister of Economy.
Luis Domínguez wonders if Humberto López and Israel Rojas, accustomed to frequenting Gil Fernández's house to participate in family parties, were also now being investigated by the Prosecutor's Office and the Ministry of the Interior (MININT), given his closeness to the dismissed and allegedly corrupt senior official.
Since the dismissal of Alejandro Gil Fernández was announced and the subsequent announcement that he was being investigated for corruption, little is known about the current situation of the former minister, as the regime maintains a stony silence on the issue.
It was on March 7 that the Cuban government reported theopening of an investigative file to Alejandro Gil Fernández for "serious errors" committed.
From that moment on, it was the independent media that has followed the development of the case against the former high-ranking Cuban official, while the Havana regime and its media remain with their usual secrecy and delay in information.
In mid-March the official spokespersonMichel Torres Corona attacked in a broadcast of his program “Con filo” against the ousted former minister whom he called a “traitor”, while warning that no one can be above the law.
“The revolution does not deserve traitors or corrupt people and is bigger than any of us. No one has the authority to evade those ethical precepts that are the fundamental foundation of the social pact of the socialist model and today we are convinced that the results of the investigation will be made known because there is no shame in bringing crime and irresponsibility to light, but in the vile act of cover-up,” said Torres Corona.
In a program loaded with fragments of Fidel Castro's speeches against corruption, Torres Corona described the most recent and notorious episode of corruption in Cuba as “serious and painful for any revolutionary,” and promised “severe and swift justice” for the person involved.
A singular ingredient was the broadcast during the program of a fragment of the televised trial in 1989 of General Arnaldo Ochoa Sánchez, protagonist of the most famous corruption case that has shaken the regime in more than six decades and which resulted in the death penalty for several of those involved.
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