Four blocks of Cerro isolated due to coronavirus outbreak

Between Buenos Aires, Agua Dulce, Diana, Carvajal, Serafines, Alejandro Ramírez and Flores streets.

Cola para comprar hipoclorito en el Cerro © CiberCuba
Queue to buy hypochlorite on the Hill Photo © CiberCuba

This article is from 3 years ago

The Cuban authorities isolated four blocks in the Cerro municipality, in Havana, due to a coronavirus outbreak, the capital's newspaper reported this Wednesday. Havana Tribune.

The four blocks are located between Buenos Aires, Agua Dulce, Diana, Carvajal, Serafines, Alejandro Ramírez and Flores streets.

"Many people remain on public roads - not precisely those who go out to buy food -, children and adolescents play in the streets and others are in the blocks until late at night," explained Luis Antonio Torres Iríbar, president of the Council of Defense of that territory.

“We are at a time when we have to make many better decisions, we cannot trust ourselves. “This is a moment of great responsibility, of doing things well and of demanding,” he added.

Among the measures planned by the authorities in that area is to increase the investigations of homes and carry out PCR tests on suspected vulnerable groups to avoid "complicating hospitals."

Yadira Olivera Nodarse, director of the Provincial Center of Hygiene, Epidemiology and Microbiology of Havana, explained that the capital (epicenter of the pandemic in Cuba) accumulates 123 cases with the last date of onset of symptoms being April 2. This figure represents an incidence rate of 5.71 per 100 thousand inhabitants.

El Cerro is the second municipality in Havana with the highest number of incidents (12.82), preceded by Plaza de la Revolución (17.36). These two are followed by Playa, Regla, La Habana Vieja, La Habana del Este and Cotorro, in that order.

The Cuban Government has isolated several communities in recent days due to the increasing number of positive and suspected cases of the disease.

The Provincial Defense Council of Havana quarantine was declared last week in the El Carmelo neighborhood, in Vedado, because that neighborhood reported the highest number of people infected by contacts with foreigners and with Cubans who arrived from abroad in the province.

They had previously done it Camilo Cienfuegos, belonging to the Consolación del Sur municipality, in Pinar del Río.

This Tuesday the news of the isolation of Banes y Gibara, in Holguín, after having become coronavirus focus communities. The same thing happened in Cabaiguán, in the province of Sancti Spiritus.

Cuba today confirmed 61 new positive cases of the coronavirus, which raises the total number in the country at 457, according to figures from the Island's Ministry of Public Health. The total number of deaths so far is 12.

Cuba announced on Tuesday that the country had entered the "limited indigenous transmission" phase of COVID-19, after several cases were detected whose route of infestation is undetermined since no link could be established with travelers from affected areas.

Following the announcement, the Prime Minister of the Island, Manuel Marrero Cruz, said that the country would take new measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.

In this sense, they announced that they would limit the number of people per bus, the suspension of the sale of alcoholic beverages in bars, cafes and restaurants, as well as an analysis of work activities that are not essential to determine their cessation.

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