Luis Robles, the young man who protested with a poster in Havana, accused of a crime against State Security

Luis Robles Elizastigui, fined 1,000 Cuban pesos, based on Decree 272, article 11, which provides for sanctions for "defacing public ornament" in Cuba.

This article is from 3 years ago

Luis Robles Elizastigui, the young man who on December 5 protested with a banner, asking for freedom on the central San Rafael boulevard, in Old Havana, is accused by the Government of Cuba of "other acts against State Security," as reported toCyberCubathe lawyer Santiago Alpizar, from the CubaDemanda project, which advises the detainee's family.

The only notification that Robles' relatives have received was delivered yesterday, December 17. It is a handwritten piece of paper on which the file number (49/20) and the provisional detention order appear,which has not been imposed in Cuba this year not even on those suspected of having gang raped a minor.

Unofficial notification of the sanction applied by the Cuban Government to the young man who protested in San Rafael. Photo: CiberCuba.

As explained toCyberCuba Santiago Alpizar, Robles is accused of violating article 124 et seq. of the Cuban Penal Code, which establishes deprivation of liberty of 10 to 20 years or death to anyone who violates airspace, clandestinely penetrates national territory and organizes or is part of armed groups.

Initially, the Cuban Government accused him of "disrespect and terrorism" and this was communicated to Robles' family by the case's investigator,Lieutenant Roberto Batista. The crime?Protest with a banner raised asking for freedom for Denis Solís and the end of repression in Cuba.

Other acts against State Security. Photo: CiberCuba
Other acts against State Security. Photo: CiberCuba

For holding that sign he was fined 1,000 Cuban pesos, supposedly under Decree 272, article 11 of the Cuban Penal Code, which provides for sanctions for "defacing public ornament" with billboards, the lawyer adds.

Fine of 1,000 Cuban pesos for protesting with a banner in Cuba. Photo: CiberCuba

As stated on the back of the fine, Robles only had three days to appeal the sanction imposed and has a margin of 30 days to pay it. Otherwise, your amount will be doubled.

Conditions under which the fine imposed must be paid. Photo: CiberCuba.

Alpizar also assures that Robles' family presented aHabeas Corpus on December 14 without this request having been attended to so far.

Habeas Corpus is a legal procedure that requires the detainee to be immediately presented before a judge so that he or she can decide whether or not his or her arrest is legal.

Habeas Corpus presented by Robles' family and ignored by the Cuban justice system. Photo: CiberCuba.

However, the young man's family has not received a response to this appeal. From the Cuban judicial authorities they have only obtained a torn piece of paper with four details of the accusations attributed to him.

No signatures, seals, or telephone numbers appear in that document and they have only been verbally informed that they can appoint a lawyer.

Robles was transferred the same day he was arrested after protesting in San Rafael to Villa Marista, the main operations center of the Ministry of the Interior in Cuba.

Lieutenant Roberto Batista, who is investigating the Cuban Government's case against a citizen who protested with a banner on public roads, assured Robles' family that when they checked his mobile phone they found connections with members of the San Isidro Movement and Cuban opponents. However, they have not provided evidence to support this accusation.

Luis Robles is from Oriente and lived for rent in Cerro (Havana). State Security searched his house without presenting a court order, Alpízar denounces.

The images of Luis Robles' protest were widely disseminated on social networks. In them it can be seen that the young man did not resist the arrestafter several people who witnessed his peaceful protest tried to prevent the Police from taking him away by force.

On his poster, Robles asked for freedom for the Cuban rapper Denis Solís, sentenced to eight months in prison for contempt, and also for the end of repression on the Island.

His arrest occurred just a few daysafter 400 Cuban artists stood on November 27 in front of the doors of the Ministry of Culture asking for freedom of expression, creation and the right to dissent.

That happened a day after State Securityentered by force the headquarters of the San Isidro Movement and violently evicted the strikers who were initially asking for the closure of the stores in MLC and then for the freedom of Denis Solís.

Since that moment, the number of arbitrary arrests in Cuba and the house blockade of anyone who distances themselves from the doctrine of the Communist Party of Cuba have increased.

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