Cuban justice without confirming sentence of political prisoner Luis Robles

More than 20 days after the trial in which he was asked for six years in prison, there is still no final verdict on his sentence.

No confirman aún sentencia de Luis Robles. © Twitter/@JMVivancoHRW/Facebook Luis Robles
They have not yet confirmed Luis Robles' sentence. Photo © Twitter/@JMVivancoHRW/Facebook Luis Robles

This article is from 2 years ago

The Cuban justice system has not yet confirmed the sentence of thepolitical prisoner, Luis Robles Elizástigui, who on December 16 in the Municipal Court of Marianao the Prosecutor's Office asked him for six years in prison for demonstrating peacefully alone.

20 days from trial, the young Cuban is emotionally weakened waiting for the final verdict in the Combinado del Este maximum security prison inHavana, where he has been imprisoned for more than a year.

Landy Fernández Elizástigui, Robles' brother, declared this Thursday to the news portalRadio Television Martí that this Tuesday he was able to visit him in jail.

"He is in fairly good health," he said, but he is emotionally very affected by not yet knowing the verdict of his trial.that is ready for sentencing.

"Those who have been tried after him already have a sentence and he is still waiting for it, which is something unbearable, according to what he tells me. He does not have any type of information about the trial or the sentence, or anything." about that,” said Landy Fernández, who also assured that the defense lawyer “still doesn't know anything.”

Luis Robles, who was born in Guantánamo and is 29 years old, was arrested on December 4, 2020 on San Rafael Boulevard, in Central Havana, when he was peacefully demonstrating alone to demand the freedom of the protesting rapper Denis Solís, at that time arrested.

Their protest was also shortly after the raid on the headquarters of theSan Isidro Movement, on November 26, 2020, and the sit-in of hundreds of artists and activists in front of the Ministry of Culture in protest of the mistreatment of the San Isidro barracks.

After a year in detention awaiting trial, on December 16 he was tried for the crimes of "enemy propaganda" and "resistance."

Only his mother could attend his oral hearing, who told his brother that the defense's work was excellent, that the lawyer proved that Luis had not committed any crime, "but the Prosecutor's Office continued to insist that he was inciting people to will rebel against the revolution.”

Robles was declared a prisoner of conscience by the NGO Prisoners Defenders in January 2021, and has also suffered repeated isolation in punishment cells, humiliation and violence in prison.

Members of the island's civil society and defense organizations have advocated for their freedom. of fundamental freedoms such as the Cuban Observatory of Human Rights, Cubalex, Human Rights Watch and Amnesty International.

Likewise, the Working Group on Arbitrary Detention of the United Nations Human Rights Councildescribed his arrest as arbitrary and urged the regime to release him.

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