Succeeds with Cuban pizza business in Colorado: "If it's not like that, it's no good!"

Young Cuban man and his partner succeed in Colorado with a pizza business. It has its secrets to make them perfect!

A Cuban couple succeeds on social networks showing their business in Colorado, United States. Their names are Ale and Rachel andthey sell pizzasisland style: juicy, plump and with toasted edges, a delicious delicacy.

"If not, it's no use!", is the slogan they have on Instagram to show their delicious Cuban pizzas.

Miguel Alejandro Gómez Pérez (Ale) and Rachel Rodríguez Oliva are from Trinidad, Sancti Spíritus province. He arrived in the United States 6 years ago and she 4 years ago. Since they joined together in this Cuban Pizza project, they have not stopped working hard to move the business forward.

"We are super happy with the support of our followers on social networks. We have received many beautiful messages and that makes us stronger," Ale toldCyberCuba recently.

The videos and photos of their delicious offers accumulate thousands of comments ranging from confessions of people saying that they want to eat onepizza like this in Cuba, but it is currently impossible; even requests for the entrepreneurial couple to share theircuban pizza recipe.

For nowAle and Rachel guard the formula jealously, but they did share the requirements that acuban pizza to be truly good.

It has to have a crispy, golden, toasted edge. It should be thick, even and flexible dough that can be folded without breaking.

In addition, it must be loaded with cheese so that when you fold it it drips very delicious. And last but not least, it must have shine, a characteristic shine that is the identifying seal of thecuban pizzas.

Ale and Rachel began theirbusiness in summer 2022. In just one year they have managed to maintain themselves and are conquering a space in the competitive world of social networks.

It ispizzas They look fantastic in photos and videos. They make the mouth water of anyone who sees them, but trying their deliciousness means taking a long trip. You have to go to Colorado Springs. You sign up?

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Gretchen Sanchez

Branded Content Writer at CiberCuba. Doctor in Sciences from the University of Alicante and Graduate in Sociocultural Studies.

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