El Funky raps against the Santa María Music Fest: “Let the singaos go to the singaos festival!”

"How is it possible that so many patriots who in favor of the truth are unjustly imprisoned are disrespected in this way?" asked the protesting artist.

El Funky, El Racie y amigos rapean en contra del Festival © Captura de video YouTube / El Funky
El Funky, El Racie and friends rap against the Festival Photo © YouTube video capture / El Funky

The Cuban rapper and activist of the San Isidro Movement (MSI), Eliecer Márquez Duany, known asThe Funky made his opinion and position clear to theSanta Maria Music Fest, an event that has generated enormous controversy among Cubans due to its masked official nature.

“This is my position regarding these abuses that exist in my country,” the artist said this Saturday in an Instagram post in which he shared a version of his new song dedicated to the event:The Festival of the sing@%$.

Hosted by manager Boris Arencibia, a Cuban resident in Miami and with evident connections with the high echelons of the Havana regime, the festival has left images that showserious organizational problems and poor hotel management.

However, the issue that has most scandalized Cuban civil society is that the event is held in hotel facilities inGAESA, the business conglomerate in the hands of the military and the partitocracy of the Cuban dictatorship, in an attempt to whitewash the face of the totalitarian regime thatcontinues to invest the bulk of the public budget in empty hotels, completely unsupplied and with terrible services.

“How is it possible that so many patriots who in favor of the truth are unjustly imprisoned are disrespected in this way?... The slaves, knowing about the nature of their masters, go and give them more than 6 million dollars to receive what is more than clear that this government has to offer: ignorance, abuse and theft,” said El Funky.

The musician, one of the interpreters ofHomeland and Life (and winner of two Grammys for this anthem), made his opinion clear about the artists and the audience attending the festival.

“The first time it is the abuser's fault, but from the second onwards it is the one who likes to be pushed all the way back; So everyone gets what they deserve. Thank God we are not all complicit, stupid, ignorant, or unworthy. God Bless all worthy Cubans who are on the right side of History and in favor of Democracy,” he concluded.

In addition, he asked for freedom for the rapperMaykel Osorbo, imprisoned for more than two years in the regime's prisons. The artist turned 40 this Sunday, while civil society remembers him for his activism in the MSI and his participation in the recording of Patria y Vida.

Against the backdrop of repression in Cuba, with thousands of political prisoners, with artists likeLuis Manuel Otero Alcántara imprisoned, with an unprecedented crisis that deepens misery and inequality in Cuba, there are many who consider the organization of the Santa María Music Fest a “shame.”

They want to sell a Cuba that does not exist in any country / Let the singaos go to the singaos festival! / This is fire with the Dictatorship and anyone who is ready / Let the singaos go to the festival of the singaos!”said El Funky in his song dedicated to the event, putting "el deo" and "pitando regao" against those who dance to the tune of the totalitarian regime.

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