Díaz-Canel will speak today about the crisis in Cuba: "We are under maximum pressure"

"We are experiencing a situation of maximum pressure, of economic suffocation to cause the collapse of the revolution, to fracture the unity between leadership and people, to deny the work of the revolution," said the president.

Attention Cubans, the rulerMiguel Diaz-Canel will speak this Monday atRound table about the crisis that the country is going through and that causes shortages of food and medicine, blackouts, inflation, impoverishment, inequality, hopelessness and an unprecedented immigration crisis in the history of Cuba.

“Everyone has the right to criticize us. Furthermore, I believe that there is no perfect work and it would be very ideal to think that everything has been done well, that everything is perfect and that we are right in everything," said the president in a promotional clip of the interview that will be broadcast delayed and by all official means.

Uploaded to the Presidency of Cuba's

"I think we should ask ourselves, in such difficult situations... we are experiencing a situation of maximum pressure, of economic asphyxiation to cause the collapse of the revolution, to fracture the unity between leadership and people, to deny the work of the revolution" said the ruler without closing the statement.

What should be asked? That will be known, or not, this Monday starting at 6:30 pm when the journalistArleen Rodríguez Derivet I asked Díaz-Canel about “the complexity and challenges of the current moment for Cuban society.”

For those who expect the communicator to ask about the results of the “economic ordering” or the “monetary”; on the “63 measures” to boost agriculture and the economy; about the duration of the “conjuncture”, the Cuban mercenaries recruited by Russia, the death of 10 Cuban women escaping in the worst migration crisis in the country's history, the collapse of the electrical energy system, the landslides, the protests in Cuba or the prisoners politicians...Just remember who Rodríguez Derivet is.

"Congratulations on your birthdayto our soul sister, to my companion at all times, to that person from whom it is impossible for us to be far away. In our family we love you infinitely," Díaz-Canel said at the end of April on X, posting a photo of both.

She is the journalist whoHe came out to defend the ridiculousness of Díaz-Canel singing La Guantanamera in Saint Vincent and The Grenadines, saying that “with his voice broken by the emotions and intensity of these days, the Cuban president intones the verses of José Martí. Where is the crime?”

“What patina of rage clouds the gaze and blocks the senses, which do not distinguish the quality of something as elevated as singing to express feelings that do not fit into speeches?” He also said that.

She is the journalist whocalled “reception inquisitors” from Andrés Manuel López Obrador to the Cubans who were outraged by the party held at the Palace of the Revolution in the context of theSaratoga Hotel explosion.

She is the journalist who justifies the (non) First Lady's mistakes in X,Lis Cuesta Peraza, saying that "Irony, satire and even mockery of opponents, without losing the smile, is a very effective resource., which the leaders of the Revolution have made brilliant use of throughout history.”

She is the journalist who tried to whitewash the anonymous face of the “Cuban Warrior” on her radio program Chapeando Bajito yproposed him as the youtuber of the year on the Island.

In short, Arleen Rodríguez Derivet is that lady who today will take the microphone to ask the leader of "continuity" what is in the script, because she, as she said one day, wanted to be an actress to hide her nature as a glamorous propagandist.

"At one time we all wanted to be Ana de Armas"said the "soul sister" of Díaz-Canel, a heartthrob who also wanted to be Ryan Gosling, but who had to be the "position to deo" ofRaul Castro, that old glory of celluloid and cock fences that continues "with one foot in the stirrup."

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