Cuban speaker recently deported from Mexico: “I haven't stopped crying”

This Cuban reported that there were people who were deported despite already having their humanitarian visa in Mexico and their CBP One appointment scheduled.

A Cuban migrant who was deported to the island from Mexico on last Saturday's flight recounted her experience, which she described as “terrifying.”

“That hurts, it hurts a lot, and even more so how it was done, based on lies and deception. "I just want you to tell those who are in Mexico, not to move, to stay where you are, to wait for the humanitarian visa or the permanent one," said Yurisleydis Gómez, in a Facebook direct.

This Cuban reported that there were people who were deported with their humanitarian visa already in Mexico and their CBP One appointment scheduled.

“It's all a hoax, I'm in shock, I still can't believe this happened to me. They grabbed me, they put me in a tent, they took my passport. They had me sitting there for about 3 hours,” she lamented.

Finally, they put her with another Cuban in a cage and transported her to the Siglo XXI immigration station in Tapachula. Gómez explains that at the station they were mistreated and forced to sign documents by lawyers and immigration officials with false information about them and their immigration history and their willingness to be deported.

“At 1 in the morning they took us out (…), we picked up everything and left. A bunch of hooded people, with balaclavas, took us to some buses. On the buses, when we went to sit there, they gagged our hands, to the point that we couldn't move. “My hands are swollen and burned,” he said.

This Cuban denounces that she was mistreated and deceived by the Mexican immigration authorities.

"They didn't give us any information, for hours it started to drag on, we couldn't even go to the bathroom (...) That is until 8 in the morning when we arrived at an airport, and guarded all around the bus, full of police," said.

“They put us on a plane, they treated us like dogs. I don't know, I didn't understand anything, I had my papers in order, I had my Comar papers, many people had the visa, the appointment was scheduled (…) When we arrived here in Cuba, the reception was good (…) The only thing that I want them to know to be careful (…) Don't pay attention to the authorities when they tell you that they are going to help you with a procedure, all of that is a lie, don't believe them at all," concluded this distraught Cuban.

He flight of 138 Cubans who were deported to the island on Saturday from Mexico It had its origin in Tapachula.

It was an Airbus A32 plane that arrived from Cancun to Tapachula and from that city's International Airport it left for Havana, with Cubans who had been detained by immigration agents in different parts of the country.

The foreigners were taken from the Siglo XXI Immigration Station and transported in five migration units and a tourist bus from the ETN company.

Likewise, it is detailed that the operation was supervised by the delegate of the National Migration Institute (INM) in Tapachula, Carlos Eduardo Espinoza Morales, and 15 INM officers also participated.

The deported Cubans were divided into 95 male migrants and 43 female migrants.

Deportation flights from Mexico had been stopped since March 3.

In total, 4,539 have been deported to Cuba so far this year in 111 returns from different countries in the region.

Last week it was known that Mexico would ask Cuba and four other countries in the region to accept deportation flights for their nationals, as a way to alleviate a migration crisis that shows an increase in the number of people arriving daily at the Mexican border with the United States.

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