They murder a doctor from Puerto Padre, Las Tunas, to steal his motorcycle

Dr. Iván de Prada was murdered on Saturday night, January 27. His body was found this morning at the entrance of a cooperative.

Iván de Prada © Francisco Pérez Cancio / Facebook
Ivan of Prada Photo © Francisco Pérez Cancio / Facebook

The Cuban municipality of Puerto Padre, in Las Tunas, woke up this Sunday with the sad news of the murder of doctor Iván de Prada by one or more criminals to steal his motorcycle.

De Prada was murdered on Saturday night, January 27, his body was found this morning at the entrance of the "Assault to the powder magazine" cooperative, according to reports on social networks.

The fact was confirmed inFacebook by the human resources department of the municipality's Health Directorate.

"Pain invades us this Sunday when we hear the sad news, we do not want to believe it, it is difficult for us to accept the truth. Tears do not stop flowing from our eyes. Doctor Iván de Prada, all of us who had the pleasure of meeting you today mourn your departure. Your co-workers will never forget your pleasant company," said the author of the post.

Facebook Capture / Human Resources Health

The crime has shocked the population of Puerto Padre, who remember the doctor's commitment and dedication to his patients.

"My God, but what is happening in Cuba, this is inexplicable, they know who they have murdered, a man who was all love, who helped everyone, did not mess with anyone. Where has it come in Cuba," he deplored an old woman.

"Until when! Today I received the sad news of the murder of Iván de Prada, the doctor, who lived in Puerto Padre, a noble, helpful man, a victim primarily of the social degradation to which my country has been plunged. For a motorbike, gentlemen, a lump of plastic and metal, ended the life of such a good person," lamented Alberto Rodríguez in the group ofFacebook "Puerto Padre Revolico".

Facebook Capture / Revolico Puerto Padre / Alberto Rodríguez

Iván de Prada had a long and rich career in the sector, where he became Health Director of the municipality.

The Guillermo Domínguez López General Teaching Hospital praised his professional value as a clinician and cadre, as he held high positions in the organization.

Capture of Facebook / Hgd Guillermo Domínguez López

"With deep sadness we say goodbye to the friend, the colleague, the extraordinary being who enjoyed the well-deserved prestige and respect of those of us who had the opportunity to know him or share his friendship. A human being with many virtues, among them being an excellent person and professional and a unconditional lover of his family," he said inFacebook.

Colleagues of the deceased also showed their dismay at the abominable act.

"Without words upon receiving that news, the last time I saw him we traveled together from Havana to Puerto Padre, we arrived from missions from different countries and we coincided in the same seat. EPD and justice. Poverty and violence today is what is in our sad country," said Dr. Eriberto Aguilera.

"Rest in peace, brother, friend and colleague. We only hope that justice is done and the full weight of the law falls against that dog that took your life. We will remember you forever," he said in his profile.Facebook Francisco Pérez Cancio.

Facebook screenshot / Francisco Pérez Cancio

Hundreds of people, including friends, acquaintances and patients, praised the doctor's kind and noble character and condemned his murder. Some criticized the level of violence that prevails in the country and questioned the inaction of the Police.

"You know why the Police have not done anything, because they did not shout Homeland and Life, because that is the only thing that matters to them. Our lives are worth nothing to them; a doctor who saved so many lives, a good person, professional, good friend, neighbor," said a nurse.

"Without words, what pain, let's demand justice, it's time to change the laws in favor of the good man. Death penalty for that savage," asked a mother.

"My most sincere condolences to his family, mainly to his brother. I only ask that justice not have mercy on whoever did something like this," asked a doctor.

"How many more people have to die so that a strong hand is taken against bandits and murderers, who do not even pay with their lives for the pain and destruction of entire families. Until when; he who kills with iron, dies with iron," he demanded. a man.

This week, severalCuban motorists said they are afraid to go out at night due to the increase in crime, which has already claimed the lives of several of them who have been assaulted to steal their means of transportation.

Drivers interviewed by the independent portalCubaNet They reported recent violent assaults that make them reconsider whether it is feasible to drive at night or in lonely places, and one of them even stated that after 7:00 pm he does not go out on his motorcycle, he prefers to take a car, even though it costs him much more.

"We are afraid that they will take our motorcycle at a traffic light. The issue is not that they take it away from us. The problem is that they take your motorcycle and stab you, they hit you with a machete, and they are not one, they are a bunch" , declared one.

On January 13, a51-year-old man, father and grandfather, was murdered to steal his motorcycle In the Habana. The victim, identified as Walter Mulgado, lived in the town of Calabazar, Boyeros municipality.

At the end of last October, ayoung man was murdered in Havana to steal his motorcycle outside a hospital where his partner was about to give birth, according to relatives and acquaintances on social networks.

"Everyone in Old Havana knew this boy, Julián Lescaille (El Puchy), a resident of Habana and Lamparilla streets. A good father, a good friend, educated and respectful. They tell me that he was cowardly murdered in the darkness of the night to take away his motorcycle when he was leaving the hospital, where his wife was about to give birth," rapper El Funky denounced on Facebook.

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