They rescue 22 Cuban migrants locked in a house in Mexico

The group of Cubans was made up of seven women and 15 men, all adults.

A total of 22 migrants of Cuban origin, seven women and 15 men, all adults, were found on Tuesday night inside a home in the municipality of Tultepec, in the State of Mexico (Edomex), as revealed the Attorney General's Office on social networks.

The local press reveals that an anonymous citizen complaint, warned of the possible commission of criminal acts committed inside the home, located in the San Martín neighborhood.

With the support of municipal police and the National Guard, elements of the Prosecutor's Office entered the home where there were Cubans who could not prove their legal stay in Mexico, since apparently they had the objective of reaching the United States through the northern border of the country.

Twitter capture/FiscalíaEdoméx

In the joint operation, where agents from the Attorney General's Office of the State of Mexico (FGJEM) and elements from the Directorate of Public Security and Municipal Transit of Tultepec participated, in addition to the 22 people, narcotics wrappers were found, which were handed over also to the Federal Public Ministry.

Twitter capture/FiscalíaEdoméx

In addition to the Cubans, no other detainees have been reported.

It has not been revealed if it was because those who had them abandoned the migrants in the place where they were located by the authorities.

After being found, the Cubans were put on a bus and taken to the office of the Attorney General of the Republic, in Tlalnepantla.

Twitter capture/FiscalíaEdoméx

They underwent medical examinations in order to establish their health status, and subsequently They were transferred to the facilities of the National Migration Institution (INM) in Mexico City, where their legal situation will be defined.

The house where the Cubans were located was closed to continue the corresponding investigation.

According to municipal police, it is estimated that the Cubans were going to be transferred to Huehuetoca, where they intended to board the train bound for the northern border.

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