Limay Blanco proposes buying a house for the pianist from Guanabacoa: “It's easier than making a new license plate”

The rains that fell this Sunday in the capital made it possible to appreciate the poor condition of the fibrocem tiles that cover the house of Fernando David Conde Fernández.

The severe local storm that hit several municipalities in Havana this Sunday with gusts of wind and rain, exposed the poor condition of the roof of the house of theknown as “the pianist of Guanabacoa”.

The fiber cement roof tiles of the houseFernando David Conde Fernandez They are in poor condition, as the comedian was able to verifyLimay Blanco, who now proposes putting aside the started project of fixing the house, to buy another one that has a plate roof.

In avideo shared through his social networks, Limay explained to his followers that the process of making a new plate cover for Conde Fernández's house would be more expensive, slower and complex and, instead, he proposed buying a new home.

While it was raining in the capital, in the Guanabacoa pianist's house, water was entering everywhere, seeping from the roof and running down the walls. Avideo shared by the comedian revealed the state of the man's home, with the floors flooded.

Faced with this eventuality, Limay proposed that his followers consider the option of buying a new house for Fernando, with a price around 3,000 or 4,000 dollars, and thus avoid having to install a new license plate, which would be a slower and more expensive process. , as he explained.

At the end of January, Limay visited Conde Fernández, who suffers from a mental disability that does not prevent him from playing the piano very well. With the intention of helping him, Limay entered the house and saw first-hand the terrible conditions in which he lived after his house caught fire and his father died from burns.

The virtuosity of the pianist of Guanabacoa leHe has deserved the affection of those who know him and the popularity among those who have followed his story on social networks. After the dissemination of the poor condition of his home, in a few hours the comedianmanaged to raise more than 42 thousand pesos in national currency and more than a thousand in MLC to meet the basic needs of Conde Fernández.

Immediately, a group of people got to work to make the necessary repairs to his house, in addition to buying furniture and belongings. However, the rains have revealed a problem that requires casting a new plate on the roof (a complicated solution in these times in Cuba), or buying a new house.

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