State security does not let the activist who helped the girl Amanda leave the house

The activist also told what happened with the Cuban Alberto Turís Betancourt Pérez, identified on Facebook as Generosity Christian Jerusalem.

Lara Crofs © Captura de Video/Facebook/Lara Crofs
Lara Crofs Photo © Video Capture/Facebook/Lara Crofs

The Cuban activistYamilka Lafita, known on social networks as Lara Crofs, denounced the harassment by State Security this Monday, to the point that she was not allowed to leave her home.

In a clear use of irony, the activist said on the social networkFacebook, with a photo included of the repressor sent by the Cuban regime to harass her, who did not let her leave her house. “Bring him water and an umbrella because he is dying from the sunstroke. And I don't plan to go out today. Ridiculous,” the complainant emphasized.

Facebook Capture/Lara Crofs

He also asked, as a joke, that they leave him there “even at night so he can take out the trash and those details.”

Facebook Capture/Lara Crofs

Crofs, which has been one of the main promoters of aid togirl Amanda, which alreadyHe is in Spain to undergo liver transplant surgery, which I had been waiting for a year, a few days ago she made a live video where she clarified some issues in which she was involved in the last week.

His first reference was to the arrest suffered by the Cuban activistAlberto Turís Betancourt Pérez, identified on Facebook as Generosity Christian Jerusalem, whohe was missing for two days.

Crofs assured that State Security was to blame for his arrest, in a maneuver that he described as "terror, horror."

“They summoned him to Dragons, and when he arrived at the lobby of the police station there was a State Security agent waiting for him, who put him against the wall, handcuffed him, put him in a patrol car and took him to a police station. police in Marianao,” he revealed.

The activist stated that Betancourt Pérez was handcuffed for approximately four to five hours because the officer who had detained him had taken the keys to the handcuffs and they had to wait for him to return.

His words were recorded, he clarified, in addition to taking his cell phone and deactivating his SIM card.

In that sense, she assured that all these actions are focused on her, since they are citing and “disappearing” people close to her circle of friends.

“You want to talk to me, let's talk, but don't use people. If your problem is with me, because I have no problem with you, or anything to talk about, call me,” the young woman told State Security.

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