More than 1,300 MW of blackout in Cuba: “They should give us the Guinness record for endurance”

“It is impossible to sleep even 3 hours. We have been without electricity for three nights in a row. Santiago de Cuba: first place in 'alumbrones'. Anyway... Another day of agony with our inseparable friend: the blackout,” protested a user.

Cubanos bailan en el Malecón habanero para romper récord de rueda de casino (imagen de referencia) ©
Cubans dance on Havana's Malecón to break casino wheel record (reference image) Photo ©

Cubans experienced another day of prolonged and frequent blackouts this Friday, and are preparing to suffer another similar one throughout this Saturday, the eve of Mother's Day in Cuba.

“For the peak hour, an availability of 2,481 MW and a maximum demand of 3,150 MW is estimated, for a deficit of 669 MW, so if the expected conditions continue, an impact of 739 MW is forecast during this time,” the Union reported. Electrical (UNE) in its social networks.

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If the day before the state company predicted an impact of 1,095 MW during peak hours, in the Informative Note this Saturday recognized that “the maximum impact on the day was 1,394 MW at 8:10 p.m., not coinciding with the peak hour.”

The 300 MW difference between the forecast and reality that UNE itself recognizes further exacerbates the discomfort of Cubans who suffer from constant and endless power cuts, which occur several times throughout the day.

“Yesterday the service was affected due to a deficit in generation capacity 24 hours a day,” admitted the company that runs Alfredo Lopez Valdes, whose cold communications to the population contrast with the heated mood of millions of Cubans.

The collapse of the national electrical energy system (SEN) is of such magnitude that the socialist state company itself had to recognize that this Saturday there would be damages of the order of 850 MW during daylight hours.

Given the serious energy crisis facing the country, added to the ruin of the SEN's obsolete infrastructure, Governor Miguel Díaz-Canel described the energy situation on the island as an "emergency".

This was stated during the recording of a podcast on the plane that returned to Cuba from his tour of Russia, in which he also referred to food shortages, inflation and his joint projects with Russia to prevent millions of Cubans from suffer from food risk situations.

“There was talk about how we could move faster and what new things could be done to, in the emergency we have in our country, help alleviate the energy situation and the food situation,” said the leader of the so-called “continuity.”

This Saturday, Cubans once again left their opinions in the comments to the UNE publication.

How long will the lack of respect with the people last? "This has become unbearable for years, we only receive bad news every day from you!" exploded a client of the state company.

We Cubans must give ourselves the Guinness record for endurance. Look, things happen to us, and we continue to endure,” said another indignant one. “SOS Cuba! They kill us!”, pleaded a third using the label of the famous cry for help of Cuban civil society.

“I would like someone to explain to me: has the electro-energy system already collapsed? It was predicted several months ago, and as I understand it, that is what I am experiencing,” asked one user. “Compassion for the bedridden sick”demanded another.

“It is impossible to sleep even 3 hours. We have been without electricity for three nights in a row (including early morning). Santiago de Cuba: first place in 'alumbrones'. Ah, the colleagues who write the informative note, I think all they do is copy-paste and change the numbers. Anyway... Another day of agony with our inseparable friend: the blackout."

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