CiberCuba launches interactive map with reports of blackouts in Cuba

The map design includes the average duration of power outages, as well as two graphs: one by province and another by municipality of the average duration of blackouts.

Mapa Interactivo de CiberCuba © Captura de pantalla/CiberCuba
CiberCuba Interactive Map Photo © Screenshot/CiberCuba

And interactive map with reports of blackouts made by users on Facebook, was launched by CyberCuba recently, with the aim of informing, but above all, leaving documentary evidence of this energy crisis on the island and its impact on the population.

Starting this week, this service can be consulted on our platform, and the design includes the average duration of power outages, as well as two graphs: one by province and another by municipality of the average duration of blackouts.


The distribution on the map is represented by blue markers that indicate the location of each report in the municipalities.

As the color intensifies, what is reflected is the relative frequency of the reports.: A darker color means more reports in that area.

Specific details, such as the number of reports and the average duration of outages, can be viewed in a pop-up by clicking on any marker.

To achieve these results, outage reports are extracted and processed using an advanced Python-based system, which integrates artificial intelligence and semantic analysis techniques.

This system analyzes comments and posts on social networks to identify and verify reports of outages. Additionally, it uses regular expressions and text matching algorithms to determine the duration and location of outages from comment text.

The process starts with getting comments on Facebook through API. The comments are then analyzed to extract relevant information about outages, such as duration and location. This analysis helps build an accurate database of outages, which is then displayed on the map.

This approach allows you to keep the map updated with the most recent situation of the blackouts in Cuba, providing a useful tool for residents and analysts interested in the topic.

The month of May began in Cuba with a worsening of blackouts. According to an information note from the National Electrical Union (UNE) These will be extended until the end of June due to the increase in maintenance work at several Thermoelectric Power Plants (CTE).

"As has been reported in these months from January to June, maintenance activities at Thermal, Energy and Distributed Generation Plants are increased with the purpose of reaching the months of greatest consumption and electricity demand, which are July and August, months in addition, the rest of the population," explained a note posted by the entity in Facebook.

After this report came out, the reactions of social media users have been mixed. Among them, the comedian Andy Vázquez, through his Facebook page “Facundo Vivir del Cuento,” he assured, in comparison to the accusations from the regime towards the independent digital platform The touch due to inflation in Cuba, soon CyberCuba will be to blame for the blackouts on the island.

“The dollar is at 400 because of the Touch and the blackouts are the fault of CyberCuba. Expect that headline soon,” the popular comedian ironically said.

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