Díaz Canel has spent 47 days of the last ten months on an international tour

Since the end of November, the Cuban president's agenda has dedicated one day a week on average to his international commitments.

Miguel Díaz-Canel y su esposa Lis Cuesta llegan a Italia © Twitter / Presidencia Cuba
Miguel Díaz-Canel and his wife Lis Cuesta arrive in Italy Photo © Twitter / Presidency Cuba

The governor Miguel Diaz-Canel I would be planning travel to New York in September to attend the high-level week of the United Nations General Assembly, despite protests and pressure from Cuban-American congressmen for the Biden administration deny entry to the United States to the person most responsible for the repression in Cuba.

If there is no impediment, if Díaz-Canel lands in New York next month, the president's agenda will be expanded with another international commitment in a year that has been particularly intense aboard the Conviasa (Venezuelan) aircraft, in which he has traveled tens of thousands of kilometers as head of state.

An article published by the independent press ElTOQUE reviewed the trips made by the also first secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, and calculated that The president has been out of the country for 47 days since last November.

From then to date, Díaz-Canel has spent one in every seven days traveling the world while the problems grow and accumulate in Cuba, evidencing the incompetence of the government and the lack of a political economic project to tackle a crisis in Cuba which only gets worse.

The more disastrous its government management is, the more the Cuban regime seeks support and donations from the international community, as well as strengthening alliances with partners such as Russia and China, what They see in Cuba's weakness the opportunity to advance their geopolitical agendas, at the cost of agreements that further compromise the country's already eroded sovereignty..

Accompanied by his wife, Lis Cuesta Peraza, an official of the Ministry of Culture who does not hold any government position or representation, and to whom Díaz-Canel himself denied the protocol treatment of “first lady”, the governor He traveled from November 16 to 26 to Algeria, Türkiye, Russia and China.

Cuesta is not officially first lady in Cuba, because the laws do not recognize that figure, and although her name does not top the list of officials who accompany the ruler, every time Díaz-Canel goes on a trip she accompanies him and is present at official events. .

The chancellor Bruno Rodriguez Grill; the deputy prime ministers Ricardo Cabrisas Ruíz and Alejandro Gil Fernandez; The ministers Rodrigo Malmierca Díaz, Vicente de la O Levy and José Ángel Portal Miranda They were the men who made up the government delegation in Algiers, Ankara, Moscow and Beijing.

In these capitals, Díaz-Canel's ministers held meetings with their counterparts and businessmen to try to find a solution to the energy crisis that crosses the country. Cubans are still waiting for results in that sense, while blackouts continue and the instability in the national electrical system, which the traveling ruler promised to stabilize by 2023.

From December 3 to 8, Cubans saw the ruler appointed by the dictator Raul Castro get back on the plane to attend the Eighth Caricom-Cuba Summit held in Barbados, in addition to passing through Saint Vincent and the Grenadines (where his English pronunciation left a strong impression in a speech read) and Granada, where cameras captured Cuesta Peraza shopping in a shopping center.

Not a month had passed since that trip, when Díaz-Canel got back on the Conviasa plane to attend the Summit of the CELAC which was held at the end of January in Argentina, where he attended despite the complaint against him before justice in Buenos Aires of the Argentine Forum for Democracy in the Region for crimes against humanity in Cuba.

In the southern country met with Argentine businessmen to whom he offered “the confidence that we are on the safe path to expand business,” and had to listen to harsh reproaches from leaders of the region, like the Uruguayan Luis Lacalle Pou, for its systematic violation of the human rights and freedoms of Cubans.

After finishing the Summit, Díaz-Canel stopped in Venezuela, he hugged with Maduro (who did not go to Argentina) and returned to Havana as poor and stinking as before, after analyzing common points of the bilateral relationship between Cuba and Venezuela.

In February, Cubans witnessed the fourth visit of the tenant of the Palace of the Revolution to Mexico, where he arrived to continue selling Cuban medical “cooperation” – branded as “human trafficking” by various countries and international organizations – and to seek new agreements and aid from his “friend” Andrés Manuel López Obrador.

At your side, proud to see her husband wearing the Order of the Aztec Eagle (the highest decoration awarded in Mexico to a foreign head of state), Cuesta Peraza was once again part of the Cuban delegation and left with it for Belize, a country that received the first visit from a Cuban ruler.

At the end of March, “duty” knocked again on the doors of Díaz-Canel and his sacrificed wife to attend the Twenty-eighth Ibero-American Summit being held in the Dominican Republic, accompanied by Foreign Minister Rodríguez Parrilla and Malmierca Díaz, who again discussed cooperation issues with their counterparts, while Cuesta Peraza was photographed in the company of other “first ladies” while sightseeing in Santo Domingo.

They arrived in time to “vote” in Cuba, where, “surprisingly,” Díaz-Canel was once again elected as ruler. After two months, The relegated couple flew to the Vatican for a “courtesy visit” with the Pope Francisco, whom Cuesta Peraza greeted with “I love you very much” and Díaz-Canel He presented his stepson Manuel Anido Cuesta as “the opponent of the family”. Furthermore, they were captured eating in a luxurious Italian restaurant.

Paris was the next destination, where the Cuban delegation traveled to attend the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact, convened by the president Emmanuel Macron. Despite the leading place occupied in the event, in his capacity as Cuban representative and of the Group of 77+China, Díaz-Canel returned to Cuba with two words to describe the tour: “interesting and fruitful.”

Europe was once again the destination of Díaz-Canel and his wife, when in mid-July five days passed between official visits to Portugal and Belgium, the latter to participate in the CELAC-EU Summit, which he received again strong criticism from Cuban civil society, emphasizing the release of political prisoners, especially the more than 700 protesters of the historic protests of 11J, against those who The ruler gave the “combat order”, unleashing fierce repression. However, as it usually does, this He ended the official trip partying with his “friends” and dancing with his wife.

In recent days, The ruler and his wife traveled to Angola and South Africa, where they once again passed the brush - that of the needy and that of polishing the boots of Chinese and Russians -, in their eagerness to latch onto both giants to carry out the Cuban totalitarian regime's project of perpetuating itself in power. A delegation of approximately two hundred officials traveled on the Conviasa plane, which even attracted the attention of the media that covered the event.

Since the end of November, The Cuban leader's agenda has dedicated one day a week on average to his international commitments.. While begging for aid for the regime abroad, Díaz-Canel demands more sacrifices from Cubans, making it clear that their “creative resistance” is different from the one he leads.

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