They murder a young man in Santiago de Cuba

The crime occurred in the early hours of this Monday.

El joven asesinado en la madrugada de este lunes © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta
The young man murdered in the early hours of this Monday Photo © Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta

A party in the early hours of this Monday in a center called“The Ciroa”, in the province of Santiago de Cuba, ended with a young man murdered, journalist Yosmany Mayeta on social networks.

The young man, who according to the aforementioned communicator was known on social networks as "Breezy Alexnay", lived in the Julio Palacios quarters, in the José Martí neighborhood of Santiago.

Captura de Facebook/Yosmany Mayeta Labrada

In a more recent Facebook post, Mayeta shared information about the alleged murderer, who he said would be a fugitive.

The wave of violence that has afflicted the country in recent months has taken on an important dimension in Santiago de Cuba.

Last week a young Cuban identified asWilmer Yunior Lestapier was stabbed while leaving a university partywhich takes place every week at the Pacho Alonso track in Santiago de Cuba, as reported by his mother, Yanelis Pascual, in statements to the aforementioned journalist.

The woman stated that during the attack - which occurred on February 7 - five boys fell on her and stabbed her four times, two of which affected her kidney and one her liver.

In recent days, Anisleidis Bueno, a Cuban mother currently imprisoned and whose 16-year-old son, Drayan Enrique Cuevas Bueno,was murdered stabbed at a street party in Santiago de Cuba in December, offereda heartbreaking testimony in which she transmitted her experience to other mothers, who were advised to take care of their children, even if they are 15 or 20 years old, to talk to them a lot and to take them to a psychologist if necessary.

The growing violence in Santiago de Cuba has even been admitted by the Ministry of the Interior (MININT) as a problem that requires special attention.

At the end of January, a senior official from the Ministry of the Interior in that province recognized, during a meeting with residents of the Abel Santamaría neighborhood (El Salao), thepresence of criminal gangs dedicated to "implementing terror" among the residents.

On that occasion, the authorities asked for a vote of confidence from those affected and sent a message to the criminals, warning them to know that they will be rigorously punished for the acts they have committed.

He specifically referred to the case of young David Enrique Perdomo Álvarez, a 26-year-old young lineman, whoone of those gangs cut off his right hand, an incident for which there are already five detainees, according to the MININT officer.

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