Cuban immigrants detained in a house in Mexico

An anonymous call led the police to the house, where there were more than 200 undocumented immigrants - Cubans, Guatemalans and Salvadorans - in the state of Puebla.

Detienen a 270 migrantes hacinados en una vivienda en Puebla, México, entre ellos cubanos © Collage Facebook/El Mundo de Tehuacán
They arrest 270 migrants crammed into a house in Puebla, Mexico, among them Cubans Photo © Collage Facebook/El Mundo de Tehuacán

At least270 migrants, among whom are Cubans, were found in overcrowded conditions in a safe house in the municipality of Chalchicomula de Sesma, state of Puebla, in Mexico, whereIt is presumed they were abandoned by coyotes four days ago.

Among the undocumented immigrants discovered, who were trying to reach the United States, there are alsoGuatemalans and Salvadorans, according to the Mexican newspaperProcess.

The information does not specify the number of Cuban immigrants who were detained in the operation carried out in Ciudad Serdán.

Police reports indicate that officers from the Municipal Public Security Directorate went to the house located on 9 Sur and Barranca de San Cayetano streets, after receiving an anonymous call warning about the presence of many Central American people.

Facebook screenshotThe World of Tehuacán

At the scene, the uniformed officers found dozens of people, most of them spread out in a patio, whoThey claimed to have been in that house for more than four days..

The migrants explained that they were waiting for the return of the people hired to continue the trip to the Mexico-US border.

The undocumented immigrants were transferred to the municipal presidency facilities, where they received medical attention.

The authorities of the National Migration Institute (INM) and the National Guard were notified and will take charge of the legal situation of this group of people.

This Saturday others18 Cuban migrants were detained while traveling on a bus through Guatemala. In the group there were also Ecuadorians, Dominicans and Nepalese. All were assisted and sent to a shelter.

The Elisa Martínez Street Brigade in Support organization issued an alarming warning this year:three out of every 10 migrants who cross the southern border of Mexico have syphilis or other sexually transmitted infections, the majority Cubans.

The situation is worrying if one takes into account that, in January alone,almost 23,000 Cubans arrived in the United States, and, of them, at least 6,596 did so through the Miami sector.

Although the figure is slightly lower than that of December, when 25,060 migrants from Cuba arrived by sea and land, and of them more than 17,000 did so through the Mexican border, it is still an expression of the serious migration crisis that hits the country, with the largest exodus of people in its history.

In the last two years,at least 533,000 Cubans have arrived in the United States, a figure equivalent to 4.8% of the island's 11.1 million inhabitants.

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