They arrest alleged murderers of a Cuban tricycle driver in Holguín

Up to six people are involved in the crime.

Triciclo robado (i) y Cubano asesinado (d) © Collage Redes sociales
Tricycle stolen (i) and Cuban murdered (d) Photo © Collage Social networks

Those allegedly responsible for the death of Leonel Batista Pinillo, the driver of an electric tricycle murdered in the city of Holguín this week, were arrested in just 72 hours, according to what the official Facebook profile Cazador-Cazado boasted this Friday on social networks.

The fountaindetailed that Batista Pinillo was murdered in the early hours of Tuesday, April 16, by a couple who had previously rented a trip.

The victim died stabbed in the chest and back in the Pedro Díaz Coello neighborhoodwith the purpose of stealing his cell phone and tricycle.

The crime would have been committed by Reynaldo Vladimir Reyes Delgado in complicity with a woman whose name was not specified.

Some of those involved in the crime (Photo: Facebook/Cazador-Cazado)

Leonel Batista Pinillo died early Tuesday morning as a result of three stab wounds.

Hunter-hunted did not specify whether the victim was hospitalized alive or died in the street.

The official source indicated that after the crimeWilliam Adolfo Anazco Noris, resident in the Alex Urquiola Reparto, was in charge of hiding the means of transportation whileYunier Lisandro Sarmiento Valls He was in charge of selling the tricycle for 70,000 pesos.

Finally, the three men mentioned and two women - whose identification the official source omitted - were arrested on April 18.

Eliecer González Rivas, the man who bought the tricycle, has been included in the criminal process, although it is not clear if he is detained.

A photo released by the official source shows several of those involved, all very young.

The digital medium14 intervene specified - citing a source familiar with the case - thatThose involved were discovered when “they took the tricycle out onto the street just as they had stolen it, to sell it.”

"They suggested (buying) the tricycle to a friend of mine, but he didn't want it. A few hours later they were all caught," the source, who is dedicated to passenger transportation, added on condition of anonymity.

The initial report of the crime spread on social networks through Luis Batista Martínez, who identified himself as the victim's brother.

"Was murdered. They stabbed him to take away his tricycle. "Let justice be done to my brother."wrote Batista Martínez in a brief message - which he later deleted - along with a photo of his brother and the vehicle that was stolen from him.

The crime joins a large number of similar cases recorded in the last year: murders motivated by the theft of some type of vehicle, mainly motorcycles.

At the end of February, a young man from Santiago de Cuba, barely 23 years old and resident in the rural community of El Majagual, in the Segundo Frente municipality,He was allegedly murdered to steal his motorcycle, as the independent journalist Yosmany Mayeta revealed then on social networks.

In January it was reported the crime of a doctor residing in Puerto Padre, Las Tunas, also to steal his motorcycle.

That same month,Walter Mulgado, a 51-year-old manA resident of the town of Calabazar, in the Boyeros municipality of Havana, he was also murdered to steal his motorcycle in Havana.

At the end of October of last year, a young man was murdered in Havana forsteal his motorcycle at the exit of a hospital where his partner was about to give birth, according to family sources reported at the time.

Despite such a panorama, a senior official from the Cuban Attorney General's Office in mid-MarchHe denied that there is an increase in murders in the country and tried to divert attention to the increase in internet users on the island in recent years.

Beatriz de la Peña La O, head of the Investigation Department of the Directorate of Criminal Proceedings, said on the television programWe make Cuba that criminal violence - which includes the crimes of murder, manslaughter, injuries, robbery with violence and sexual assault - has not increased.

"There are no more murders in Cuba, in numbers," she stated categorically.

The officials even shared data, graphs and images whose objective was to demonstrate that there is no increase in violence in Cuba, contrary to the multiple complaints from the population that indicate the opposite.

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