Cuban immigration crisis: “The 200 thousand that the US thought were going to go out and overthrow the government... emigrated”

Despite crowing that the United States is to blame for the massive exodus, the regime knows that it is solely responsible for the immigration crisis, created to relieve itself from citizen pressure and protests... And remain in power.

The Cuban regime has a strategy: blame the United States for the mass exodus of hundreds of thousands of Cubans in the last two years and make him responsible for the consequences of this “irregular and disorderly emigration”.

The objective is to pressure the Biden administration to lift “the blockade”, or at least to remove Cuba from the list of countries sponsoring terrorism.

For this they have a “strong idea”: The United States has created “extraordinary and artificial stimuli for Cuban emigration”.

He leitmotif cooked in the regime's chancellery contains three arguments: “the blockade”, the privilege of admission at the border (credible fear) and the privilege of residence (Cuban adjustment law).

This list of extraordinary privileges and incentives is the reason why, according to Havana, almost half a million Cubans have requested political asylum in the United States in the last two years.

The Cuban totalitarian regime does not explain the migration crisis caused by the mass exodus of citizens for no internal cause or circumstance.

The economic crisis, inflation, general shortages, growing poverty and inequality, the lack of rights and freedoms or repression do not constitute “factors” triggering the stampede carried out by a significant percentage of its population to any point on the planet.

In the United States alone, 424,894 asylum applications were registered in the last two fiscal years. In that period of time, those returned to Cuba when intercepted at sea numbered tens of thousands, as well as those who are still on the journey.

To them we should add the tens of thousands who have emigrated to other countries in Europe, Latin America and Asia, which do not precisely offer "extraordinary and artificial stimuli for Cuban emigration."

The fact that the shortlist of “blocking”, “credible fear" and "cuban adjustment law"exists before 2022 and has not provided an incentive for the frightening of hundreds of thousands of Cubans, it means nothing for the regime's propaganda.

To blur this contradiction in their speech, it is enough to mention the pandemic, “Trump's more than 240 measures against Cuba” and their maintenance by the president. Biden, blaming them for the Cuban immigration emergency.

The fact that the United States has resumed its consular activity in Cuba, has granted more than 50,000 visas in the last two years, or granted humanitarian parole to more than 50,000 Cubans From January to date, it does not inhibit the Cuban regime from continuing to cry and lie.

That more than 380,000 Cubans are waiting for their parole requests to be resolved is the fault of the United States and its “extraordinary and artificial stimuli for Cuban emigration.”

And it is even more cynical and criminal that they blame that country the cost in human lives, injuries, extortion by mafia groups, as well as the various traumas and anguish suffered by Cuban migrants in their different journeys escaping from the “prison island.”

The worst thing is that they are inducing illegal, unsafe migration, which costs lives."said the ruler Miguel Diaz-Canel in his recent interview for the regime's television program Mesa Redonda.

A regime that led to the largest exodus in the history of Cuba by agreeing with its Nicaraguan ally on visa exemption for Cubans, opening the Central American route to migrants, and charging tickets and services at abusive prices.

A regime that -continuity at the end of the dictator's teachings Fidel Castro- he came back to use migration as an escape valve, despite the agreements between both countries that contemplate this scenario as a “hostile act”.

A regime that has a strategy, but that also has officials such as the deputy director general of the United States Directorate of the Cuban Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Johana Tablada, who knows the refrain of “destroying the Cuban revolution” by heart, but in relaxed environments reveals the true strategy that guides the Palace's decisions.

The moral and material degradation increased in Cuba by the government of “continuity” has led to the unprecedented appearance in Cuba of citizen protest demonstrations.

Since the protest of 27N until the history of 11J, the Cuban civil society has taken to the streets to express their desire to live with rights and freedoms, to question the legitimacy of those who govern through terror and violence, and to demand a change of course in the country.

This outbreak of citizen unrest in the streets, in the networks and in Cuban families has been the main trigger of the repression of the regime, but also of his strategy to relieve himself from social pressure: emigration.

As much as there is now talk about the “extraordinary and artificial stimuli for Cuban emigration” from the United States, the regime knows that the stampede of hundreds of thousands of Cubans in the last two years is part of its survival plan and its “political project.” ” to remain in power.

Hence the strategy of forcing or promoting the exile of Cubans who can no longer take it anymore and represent a danger to the the state in which, with the added advantage of later extorting them via remittances and the emotional blackmail of leaving family members behind, hostages to the regime's abusive policies.

“The 200 thousand that the United States thought were going to go out to overthrow the government... emigrated”Tablada told the channel. Russia Today, in a long and relaxed interview in which this phrase, thrown out on the fly, revealed the Machiavellian logic of the regime.

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opinion article: The statements and opinions expressed in this article are the exclusive responsibility of its author and do not necessarily represent the point of view of CiberCuba.

Ivan Leon

Graduate in journalism. Master in Diplomacy and RR.II. by the Diplomatic School of Madrid. Master in RR.II. and European Integration by the UAB.

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